Hopeful but not confident


Feb 21, 2009
I surely cannot understand why all of my competitors who's websites came before mine, yet lesser in visual and content quality, have been listed, while mine <URL removed>) remains un-listed. It was submitted correctly per my niche wedding market over 2 years ago, and I am at this point afraid to try and resubmit because it goes to the end of the line. However, i begin to wonder if their really is a line, or just merely a line of bull?

Please understand that it is a bit frustrating and seems a lot unfair. I would prefer your directory didn't exist at all because at least that way my competitors would not have the solid backing of DMOZ either.

Wish it could happen, hope it can happen, but betting on it happening would not be a wise bet in my opinion. I happen to also believe that at some point it could very well act as the demise of dmoz.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
razzer10 said:
.. while mine <URL removed>) remains un-listed.
The same question has been asked and answered over and over again.
There are only 2 reasons why a website is not listed
1) the website is not reviewed yet
2) the website is not listable (you can check yourself if a website is listable or not by reading the DMOZ guidelines)

However, i begin to wonder if their really is a line, or just merely a line of bull?
There is no line. It is more a pool of suggestions. An editor can order this pool in different ways. One of them being in date order.


Feb 21, 2009
At some point, with so many relevant and healthy sites not being listed and so many i have seen that listed that are listed but god awful, people will stop looking at dmoz as a viable directory listing option. Just like American Online or many of the other large company's that allowed themslelves to become dinosaurs because they did not keep up with the times or lost touch with the changing times.

I don't necessarily want to see it happen to anyone, being a business myself but I can see the possibility. I simply just wish i could get listed.


Feb 21, 2009
I have a very listable site, in fact Google also seems to think so as I am at #1 or #2 position for all my difficult wedding keywords, competing and beating businesses of 8+ years of their organic strongholds after only 2 years of being online. I am confident that Google's scrutiny is ever bit as tough if not tougher than dmoz. I only have a PR2 right now but working on the backlinks. It is normal for a 2 year site to have a lower PR, but does say a lot as far as search engine positioning.

So now, since we know I am listable - I can see waiting in line for anything and everything now a days, but 2 years? And especially when considering in a niche market like destination weddings?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I am confident that Google's scrutiny is ever bit as tough if not tougher than dmoz.

Outside algorithm-benchmark test cases, Google doesn't scrutinize at all. Not toughly, not gently, not at all.

Google is fresher than the ODP. That's necessary for news, of course.

The ODP scrutinizes sites before listing, so the worthless spam sites that clutter the top of Google search results, can't get into the Open Directory (at least, not that way). And some spam gets cleaned out of Google before the ODP (although the ODP was a pioneer in spam-hoovering directory listings.)

Both sites are subject to malicious attack by SEO's, which is good for SEO's and bad for surfers.

The only good news is, both sites aren't susceptible to the same techniques. Which makes more work for SEO's ... which is, in a world of spam, the best news surfers are likely to be able to expect.

And that's bad for SEO's and good for surfers.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
What surfers really need is a good third and fourth view on the net, not susceptible to the attacks made on Google or the Open Directory (of course, we expect that it'll have its own vulnerabilities.) Yahoo isn't it, any more; Bing ... snicker, the spammer's friend. Anything to fritter away more SEO resources, anything to make their day less productive (compared to socially useful activities.)


Feb 21, 2009
Fair enough, and although i know it is not what you meant, it did seem at first read you implied my site is worthless spam- lol. My sites are not spam nor worthless, otherwise I am sure we would not be doing in excess of 1M in sales a year from over 30-50k UV per month. We don't sell e-books or info on "how to make millions from home in a week"! We sell a viable clothing product for a viable up and coming market of destination weddings. It is for that reason I cannot understand why I have not been placed in the directory, it is frustrating and sad.

Say what you will in comparing ODP to Google or Bing in their differing methods of scrutiny; as far as my site goes, they have got it right, it is ODP that is wrong.


Feb 21, 2009
I agree, it should be spawned of the users and by the users. It needs to come from a social site where all info and results is not based on the dollar, rather people's true opinions. Sort of like Yelp, but of everything in a Google format!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The trouble is, some people's true opinions are available for sale -- don't pay a dime a dozen, you can get them much cheaper than that.


Feb 21, 2009
The best advice is free, and freely available all over facebook or twitter... If they could figure out a way to harness it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Ah, you have an insufficiently devious mind.

I'm not a follower of any site like that, but I've heard (from some that are) that even large companies are hiring people to astroturf all over any kind of "public" website. And, having seen the way apologists jump out of the woodwork even in the few forums I do follow, I find it easy to believe.

Just as originally, "external links" represented a kind of vox populi, but SEOers quickly moved in to create ever-more-complex abusive chains of links.

There are some really sociopathic people out there, and some of them know how to use computers.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Twitter has become the new marketing spammer heaven. And many of those same people are trying to use Facebook in much the same way. It's all a part of the new marketing, with companies small and large hiring social network managers, frequently for a pittance on marketplaces like Elance. There is really is no social tool that isn't going to be facing similar problems eventually. Forum spam, blog comment spam, article spam, tweet spam...It's the nature of the beast.
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