Hot to come into being at DMOZ and Google


Nov 18, 2004
How to come into being at DMOZ and Google

Hello everybody

My name is Michael, I'm a site positioner.

I have a wonderful site, very interesting and great at all :)
-> ''

I would like to add it to the DMOZ catalog.
I think that is the best idea to way to everybody visit this site.

But... but i also want
to this site will be at first place at Google serachengine.
All right! I done it at part, but i would do it all to be at first place!
Two weeks ago my site was at about 75 place at results,
but yesterday was at second place,
and today is at 11 place... :(

And because I would like to my site
will be at DMOZ to then to be on highest positions at results :)

Also I done same tricks... hihi :)
I think it's the best idea to be at one of the first places at results,
and I would like to ask you - do you know any other tricks?
I add to my site:
hidden white header 'bot chatbot chatterbot czatbot' on white background, 2 times - on left and the on right
<h1><span style="visibility: hidden;">[keywords here]</span></h1> at beginning and the end of site, of course 2 times :)
I also add on every html file this hidden layer

This is idea! Anybody knows others?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
This forum is only for questions rekated to ODP (DMOZ).
Any other questions are totaly out of order.

But I cab give you one hint. These tricks as you call them could be reasons for being banned by Google and many other search engines. You better read their policies before you try these stupid things.

If you want your site to be listed in DMOZ you will have to suggest it yourself in the ONE best category. You are allowed to ask for the status of your suggestion 30 days after you made the suggestion. But please read our guidelines before you make you suggestion. If the rest of your site is as bad as your tricks we might not list it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Sorry, we aren't even in sympathy with you. I warn you, we're already promoting some of your competitors in our categories, and WE'RE GOING TO KEEP DOING IT!

But that's a very small part of your problem. You're in a business where everyone's sole business is making sites come up first in Google. It is conceivable -- logically possible -- maybe even likely -- that one or two of you will fail.


Dec 6, 2004
Hi. I'm a owner of this domain - . The user called Michael (forum: norka) - author of this threat - isn't our site positioner, but he is a liar. I think norka is our competition in our business and he want to move down our position. I am concerned with this situation. I hope that a unfair competition will be allright and will stop posting a untruthly informations. We do not register our site in DMOZ Directory. Greetings 4 All. ErrOR-SI chatbot Team.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Fortunately, this too doesn't matter to us.

Basically, we'll assume that the webmaster and submitter are different persons. That's why we don't accept suggestions for listings or changes without verifying them on the site.
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