How best to handle a 2 product line corporate site

Pat Ampulla

Jun 28, 2004
We have a corporate site (http://www.imagelogic.com0 for our video production tools that lets the visitor link to two different product sites ( and The first is a rather arcane video production tool used to log the contents of video tapes the second is one of the few (and most seasoned) closed captioning systems used to add captioning to video and DVDs.

Should I propose the individual product sites only or include the corporate site?

I may have messed up by proposing the corporate URL for both product lines and got dropped as a result.

How do I undo the damage and get each product listed?


Pat Ampulla


Jan 23, 2003
The short, fast answer:

Submit one site and one site only, however many sites you link to the main site is your business alone.

Find the best category that best represents the overall company -- you don't have to be perfect in this, but it helps if you are close.

Go to the site submission status forum and ask for a status check on the previous submissions -- with wait times in the years, they could be sitting untouched in a large pool of other submissions. Be sure to include clickable links to the categories where you submitted, otherwise we get a bit testy.
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