How can I find out if my sites already submitted?


Oct 12, 2005
Hi all,

I'm new here and have launched a new website around 2 months ago. I think I submitted to DMOZ as one of the first directories but can't be entierly sure! and if I did I probably did it badly not realising the importance of getting on there. On the DMOZ site itself it says it should be reviewed within 2 weeks but around 2 months later it's still not showing up.

Since then I have read allsorts about it, like it can take over a year to be added, also that if you submit more than once you get penalised. I'm not entierly sure that I have submitted but I'm well over the 2 weeks that it says on the DMOZ registration site.

So what should I do? is it detremental to submit again ? or is there any way of finding out if I have submitted and if so what the status is? and would they have notified me if it had been rejected?

Thanks for any help you can offer.


Oh BTW the url is


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
"Should be reviewed within two weeks" is not, in the current environment, a valid rephrasing of what was actually said. "We don't know exactly when a site would be reviewed, but a few months is common, and a year or two not really unusual."

There is nearly never a notification on rejection.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.