How can I find out if my website is still in process for review?


Jan 21, 2010
Dear Dmoz editors,
I have been waiting several months. I have followed the rules, I have not re-submitted.
Further, I respect the time volunteered by all of you and am Not being pushy... I would just like to know if there is a way to find out if I am still in rotation to be considered?
Thank you,
Karen Lynn


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There's no way to track a suggestion. If there were, there still wouldn't be any way you could use that information to help the Open Directory Project--which is probably the best reason why there isn't a way.

And there's no rotation. There's just a web, and surfers crawling around it (apparently at random.)

But any site on the web is always liable to be considered, regardless of whether it's ever been suggested or not. (Even a site that's been reviewed a dozen times, with increasingly exasperated reviewer comments about spam, spam, rotten-to-the-core-spam, can still be reviewed, if there's a volunteer that thinks it's worth while!)

That's true whether the site is listed or not. That's what editors do: review sites.


Jan 21, 2010
As you are aware, the open directory project is valued by search engines and the web at large. Likewise, I repect the same. I read your comment above, that being said, as someone with a web site who does NOT Spam, follows your guidelines etc..., what can one, who is serious about their web site, do about getting reviewed and or considderred.
Thank you again,
Karen Lynn


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The submittal policies tell you what you can do to make sure your site isn't overlooked. (Suggest it. Once, maybe twice.)

Anything else you could possibly do, wouldn't help the editors find the site, MIGHT be counterproductive, and WOULD be spam.

When you're looking only at your own site, that seems so ... harsh or strict. But when you're designing processes that can be used by anyone, you HAVE to look at the broader picture. It's really very simple. There can be _no_ facilities for giving one site any kind of special priority. If there were, all spammers would know about them, and most honest website owners wouldn't -- so those facilities would basically be used only by spammers.

Spam is one of the realities everyone has to live with. When you think about processes, you must think about spam. When you think about getting visibility for a website, no matter how legitimate, you must deal with spam. When you're a surfer looking for authoritative information, you must get around the spam. I don't think anyone likes it, even the spammers resent the OTHER spammers. But there's no easy way around it.
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