How can I know my editor was not killed in an accident?


Dec 14, 2005
Dear ODP community,

I`ve tried to submit my site to the directory at least three times for the last half year. I also PM-ed to my editor. But there's still no result.

I am really wondering about my editor`s health :) and I am really sorry that DMOZ doesn't provides any feedback about the submit process.

Thanks for your work
and wish good health to all the DMOZ editors!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Um, haven't you heard the slaves were freed? You no longer own an editor. ;) (And editors do die, we even have a few memorial categories. But we don't usually get invitations to the funeral, so for most deaths your guess is as good as ours.)

But the ODP submit process is completely open. All that isn't open is actions taken according to the process. And, so far as I know, that wouldn't be of any practical use to honest webmasters. (Assuaging curiosity is not a practical use, but I can understand how it's a strong desire anyway.)


Dec 14, 2005
I am glad to see that editors in the forum seem to be much more alive than in DMOZ :)

Frankly speaking, I meant an automatic short message about the submit status, e.g.
- Accepted
- Rejected. Illegal content.
- Rejected. Wrong directory.
- Reject. Editor has a headache. :)

I suppose this could greatly decrease the quantity of recurring submits.

I mean any newbie-webmaster trying to submit his site to DMOZ. Waiting for some time (usually 2-4 week as declared in the DMOZ FAQ). After that he/she does`nt find his site in directory and trying to change description of the site (or modify something else mentioned in Editing Guidelines) and submiting again and again. It should add a lot superfluous work to editors.

I can recite all Editing Guidelines and I am absolutly confused why my (of course very useful :)) website is not available for the Open Directory visitors


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
vkhamianok said:
I suppose this could greatly decrease the quantity of recurring submits.
Actually, it quite probably would increase the amount of spammed duplicate resubmissions. :eek:


Jan 23, 2003
While we appreciate the fact that you are thinking of ways we can improve, there is actually very little chance that we will put in a response system such as the one you envisioned.

We've had a lot of threads in the past that discuss this, but to save you a search, the highlights are:

1. Such a system gives too much information to the spammers, and thus would dramatically increase our workload because the spammers would know that attept 14 failed, and they would immediately submit attempts 42 thorugh 57.

2. Such a system also send the wrong message to people making the suggestion. It conveys the idea that we place a high degree of importance on how quickly we review the submissions. We really view these as suggestions, we basically say "thank you" when they are suggested, and that is the end of the communication. Since suggestions are but one way we identify possible sites for inclusion in the directory, and since anyone can suggest a site, we have simply determined that having such a system add nothing to our primary mission of building a dirctory.

3. Editors sometimes do contact webmasters. If, in reviewing a site, we identify a minor easily fixed issue that we believe the webmaster would want to resolve, then we oftne (as a matter of courtesy, not a requirement) send off an e-mail. On saturday, for example, I was working on some real estate sites in Utah, I came across one where the agent appeared to be rezl, the site had good content, and was listable except for the fact that it did not contain an office address. I fired off an e-mail to the agent, she corrected the site and 24 hours later I listed it. while this is a nice thing to do, I'm not certain any of the editors would want it to be a requirement.

I hope this helps. Obviously, we cannot discuss your specific situation, and I would encourage you to search the historical threads if you want more information on this topic.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
OK, and IF you got one of these messages, what would you do differently (a) with regard to the ODP, and (b) with regard to your site promotion?

See, the thing is, we've never seen anyone that such a message would cause to do anything we'd want done.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
vkhamianok said:
Waiting for some time (usually 2-4 week as declared in the DMOZ FAQ).
Could you please tell us the exact location where you found this text.
If this text is realy in a DMOZ FAQ it must be corrected immediately as it is not correct.

The FAQ here at RZ clearly states "The time between submission and an editorial review ranges anywhere from two minutes to over two years."

On the text is "Depending on factors such as the volume of submissions to the particular category, it may take several weeks or more before your submission is reviewed." And on the text is "Depending on the activity level of the editors in your area, it may take up to 2 weeks or more for your site to be reviewed."

I can't remember ever to have seen anything like "2-4 weeks".


Dec 14, 2005
First of all I was really surprised at the support quality on this forum. After my experience with DMOZ I was absolutely sure that the most editors sleep all the time :) I am happy that I was wrong ;)

hutcheson said:
OK, and IF you got one of these messages, what would you do differently (a) with regard to the ODP, and (b) with regard to your site promotion?

I would greatly appreciate the editor`s advice, I`d do mu best to make my site more suitable for DMOZ. I suppose that would save much time to me (as a webmaster) as well as to DMOZ editors.

hutcheson said:
See, the thing is, we've never seen anyone that such a message would cause to do anything we'd want done.

I guess I know a good remedy for that
The time between the very first review and the next one (if you failed at first) should be one month. If you failed the second review, you should wait for 1 + 1 = 2 months. I guess only idiots will ignore editor`s recommendation after they fail two or three times. :)


Jan 23, 2003
I`d do mu best to make my site more suitable for DMOZ. I suppose that would save much time to me (as a webmaster) as well as to DMOZ editors.

Aha! :D :D

This is where we would (respectfully) differ. we are really not all that interested in listing sites that are designed or modified to pleae us. We would much rather list sites that are designed to provide useful, unique information to surfers. It may seem like a small difference, but it is huge to us, and is one of the reasons why we generally shy away from telling people what to chnage on their sites to make them listable.

I guess only idiots will ignore editor`s recommendation after they fail two or three times.

If only you were correct! :D


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I would greatly appreciate the editor`s advice, I`d do mu best to make my site more suitable for DMOZ.

But, but, but ... what are you waiting for?

You know what the ODP standard is: unique content. You either have it, or you don't. (If you don't have it, then that's an end of things, and there's no point wasting an editor's time to tell you to do what you can't do!)

But if you DO have unique content, still, who knows what unique content you have? Only you: and certainly not the editor! -- he only knows what's on the site already.

See, it just doesn't make sense for the editor to be making "recommendations." What do we know about what YOU know?

But if it has been six months or so since the first suggestion, and several months since you added significant new content (that is, unique information), then you can resuggest the site without waiting for an editor status. Either the site has not been reviewed (and resuggesting has basically no effect), or the site has been reviewed -- and maybe the significant additional content would make a re-review possibly productive.


Dec 14, 2005
spectregunner said:
we are really not all that interested in listing sites that are designed or modified to pleae us.

You almost caught me, but... Doesn't DMOZ contain webstes that users should like? From my point of view, your advice will make a site better for not only DMOZ editors, but also for all users


Dec 14, 2005
hutcheson said:
You know what the ODP standard is: unique content. You either have it, or you don't.

Our site is a homepage of a commercial software product. It contains product description, some articles, tutorial, comparison with competitors, forum.
All the content is written by us. So the site contains no duplicate content. It has nice design, etc :)

Also I am absolutely sure about choosing the right category, because all our competitors are listed there

hutcheson said:
But if it has been six months or so since the first suggestion, and several months since you added significant new content (that is, unique information), then you can resuggest the site without waiting for an editor status.

I`ve already re-submited my site to the directory about a month ago. So I am going to wait for some time hoping for the best

But I`ve started this topic not because I have any troubles with my site + DMOZ. I see a lot of confused and weak webmasters who take shots in the dark trying to find out what is wrong with their websites.
I am sure you've heard a lot of "advices" from such amateurs like me, but... that's one more trial to be heard :) Thanks anyway!


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Then you've obviously done all that you can do. There is no reason for you to suggest the site again, and there is no way for you to hurry the process along - so the best you can do is stop waiting, because that only causes stress and ulcers and nasty stuff.



Nov 27, 2005
I couldn't agree more Nea... I suffer from mouth ulcers from time to time and they really hurt. It's all caused by stress, so best advice is to relax :D
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