How can I know?


How can I know if my submission was rejected or not?

If it was rejected then I would like to submit it once again.

At first time I might have made some mistakes and I think that it would have been rejected.

If I re-submit now it will be over submissions.

So please let me know. I don't want to bombard my submissions at some editor.

This will help me and the editor in which I am submitting my resource.

Let me know that will I get an email that my site has been rejected or It is just rejected and I can never know?

Thanking You.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
10,093 said:
How can I know if my submission was rejected or not?
You can't. said:
If it was rejected then I would like to submit it once again.
Why? If a site is rejected there is no need to suggest it again unless you added a areg amount of unique content. said:
At first time I might have made some mistakes and I think that it would have been rejected.
Sites are not rejected beacuse of some small mistakes. They are rejected bacause the site has not enough unique content said:
If I re-submit now it will be over submissions.

So please let me know. I don't want to bombard my submissions at some editor.
There is no need to suggest a site more than once. At some time (we can not predict when) it will be reviewed.
Suggesting the same site to several categorie might get you marked as a spammer.
Suggesting the same site to the same categorie more than once will just overwrite the previous suggestion. said:
This will help me and the editor in which I am submitting my resource.
No, it won't. said:
Let me know that will I get an email that my site has been rejected or It is just rejected and I can never know?
You will (most probably) not get an email or any other message when the site is rejected. But you already knew as you asked the same question before.

Maybe you should read the FAQ.
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