How can I obtain details?


Jan 17, 2007
Hello Forum,

In the past my site was listed in the Costa Rica, Regional, Real Estate section but for some reason is no longer there. I know we are not open here to discuss actual site information here so if someone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction that would be appreciated.

I have taken 2 steps.

1. Submitted my site to the category which best serves the purpose.

2. I thought since the category didn't have an editor the person editing the upper part of the tree might be able to answer my question so I sent this question to her however I realize that might not have been the best person to contact.

If there are any other steps I should take or anywhere else I should go please let me know so I can try and get to the bottom of this.




Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> If there are any other steps I should take or anywhere else I should go please let me know so I can try and get to the bottom of this.
No, there is nothing more you can do.
Even contacting an editor was not neccessary as we advise editors not to answer such emails.


Jan 17, 2007
I completely understand and that might have been my mistake contacting the editor in this case. What does one do in these situations, just await for my new submission to be approved or denied?

I know that you do not advise in either case if the URL will not be included, how would one get details about this? Not trying to be a pest here and I know editors have lots on their hands, i'm only trying to learn about the process so I can make sure I don't anger anyone through all this.


Jan 23, 2003
In the past my site was listed in the Costa Rica, Regional, Real Estate section but for some reason is no longer there.

OK, let's see if I can be of some help here -- in a general sort of way. I don't know what your site is and I haven't looked at the category, but here are some things you can do that may help, or may be a total waste of your time.

1. Browse not only the category but also up down and sideways on the tree. It is always possible that your site was moved and not deleted.

2. Don't trust search. See if it comes up in google. That's what most editors do.

3. Ask yourself some tough questions, and be truthful with yourself in terms of answers:

-- Did I do anything to the content that might have caused the site to be delisted?
-- Have I honestly compared my site to the editorial guidelines and without any wishful thinking, determined if the site is still listable.
-- How does the unique content really match up? More and more editors are dumping real estate sites that consist of little more than a template and some links, with no real unique content (MLS listings are not unique content, nor are outgoing links. Paragraphs that begin with "In today's challenging real estate market you need...." are also not unique.).
-- Does the site clearly explain who we are and what we do?
-- Can an editor find the unique content in the first 15 seconds they visit my site?

Sites don't get removed for the sake of removing them. Sites don't get removed because they are ugly. Sites get removed because they either lack unique content or they violate our editorial guidelines. Sites are not guaranteed a listing in perpetuity -- a site that was listable 3 years ago may not be listable today.

Hope this helps.


Jan 17, 2007
Thanks again kindly for your replys I really do appreciate it as you may understand it's difficult to drive blind so to speak.

Real estate sites have their very own section of the guidelines
does reading them help with any of your questions?

I've taken a very close look at the Guidelines and I definitely do not see any issues according to the rules. I would say most of the items outlined there are either on the site or available through the site.

1. Browse not only the category but also up down and sideways on the tree. It is always possible that your site was moved and not deleted.

I too thought that was the case. So I spent some time looking through other directories in the tree but unfortunately I didn't have much luck.

2. Don't trust search. See if it comes up in google. That's what most editors do.

That was an excellent suggestion! I went there and did a search. However it came up empty :(.

-- Did I do anything to the content that might have caused the site to be delisted?

Wish I could answer that. I took over the company from my father the 1st of Jan, 07 and what has been done in the past may or may not affected this. This is probably what i'm most affraid of.

-- Have I honestly compared my site to the editorial guidelines and without any wishful thinking, determined if the site is still listable.


-- How does the unique content really match up? More and more editors are dumping real estate sites that consist of little more than a template and some links, with no real unique content (MLS listings are not unique content, nor are outgoing links. Paragraphs that begin with "In today's challenging real estate market you need...." are also not unique.).

The content is unique as we do not include any third party MLS listings and everything listed on the site is done so directly by the owner or realtor.

-- Does the site clearly explain who we are and what we do?

IMHO, I would say it's clear.

-- Can an editor find the unique content in the first 15 seconds they visit my site?

I trust this is the case at least according to the site logs.

In closing the site is no where near perfect. Since I recently aquired it I am initiating work on the site to increase visible appeal as well as conversions and clarity for our visitors. However with that said I feel that in it's current state the site meets requirements for inclusion based on everything i've read.



Oct 29, 2006
One other possibility is that the site *at some time in the past* was down for long enough that our link checker unreviewed it as unavailable. Post crash, resuggesting it once more will not be held against you. Please try to find the relevant level (ie NOT service area but physical location(s)).


Jan 17, 2007
One other possibility is that the site *at some time in the past* was down for long enough that our link checker unreviewed it as unavailable. Post crash, resuggesting it once more will not be held against you. Please try to find the relevant level (ie NOT service area but physical location(s)).

That is a very valid point and could actually be very much the case. The host is very reliable but it only takes the site to be down long enough for the link checker to see its offline to be removed.

I have submitted once to the category most appropriate for the site based on not only my services but my direct competitors and their placement. Thank you for all your help it is appreciated.


Oct 29, 2006
Just for the record our automated link checker does not remove sites on it's first check, but rechecks (c1 week - it's not exact) later and removes it if it's still not responding.


Jan 17, 2007
Sure I completely understand ofcourse it could have been a co-incidence that both times it checked there was a problem.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.