How can I put my website in ODP


Feb 6, 2006
Hey, guys,

I am a beginner of ODP and would like to know how I can put my website into ODP. So everyone here can search my website. :confused:
My website is
One more thing, I only registed in on Feb. 7. and submitted the address in the application form.

Thank you so much for your help.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'm not sure what you are saying you did. If English is not your first language, check out our "Other Languages" forum: some editor can probably communicate more easily with you.

If you "suggested your site" in a category, then that is all you have to do -- that is all you CAN do. An editor will review it, but we do not know how long that will take. You can't rush the process.

If you did not suggest your site, but only applied to be an editor, then you could also suggest your site. Applications in non-English languages may take longer to review: again, we don't know exactly how long it will take.

So in either case, if you are thinking nothing will happen because nothing happened quickly, ... then don't assume that. Many things in the ODP happen slowly...


Feb 13, 2004
hutcheson said:
I'm not sure what you are saying you did. If English is not your first language, check out our "Other Languages" forum: some editor can probably communicate more easily with you.

If you "suggested your site" in a category, then that is all you have to do -- that is all you CAN do. An editor will review it, but we do not know how long that will take. You can't rush the process.

If you did not suggest your site, but only applied to be an editor, then you could also suggest your site. Applications in non-English languages may take longer to review: again, we don't know exactly how long it will take.

So in either case, if you are thinking nothing will happen because nothing happened quickly, ... then don't assume that. Many things in the ODP happen slowly...
I have been waiting two years, good luck.
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