How can we be sure there aren't unethical editors with conflicts of interest?


Jul 16, 2008
I provide a very high-quality service of assisting business owners with the sale of their businesses. I have extremely satisfied clients. I have also had lots of feedback from viewers of my website that they appreciate how complete and informative my website is. I submitted my website's URL <url removed> to DMOZ nearly five years ago. It has never been listed. About two years ago I submitted it again. It still has not been listed. When I reviewed this posting board an editor commented that "Site suggestions don't go away until they have been reviewed, which can take a long time if there is no editor who is interested in reviewing sites in the category in question. There shouldn't be any need to suggest the site again - there is always a small risk that a suggestion is eaten by a bug and doesn't reach the category, so provided you have indeed only suggested it once, several months ago, you could minimise the risk further by making one more suggestion. (In 99% of the cases that is completely unnecessary)." So, I applied to be an editor. My application was denied. My question is this: is it possible that there is an editor who works in my industry who is unethically choosing to not include appropriate websites for non-competitive reasons? It just doesn't seem possible to me that I could be trying to get my site submitted for five years and despite very positive feedback from my website visitors the site never gets listed by DMOZ.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
codiligent said:
My question is this: is it possible that there is an editor who works in my industry who is unethically choosing to not include appropriate websites for non-competitive reasons?
There is ofcourse always a very slight change that this would be possible.
But you can be sure that all the other editors will do everything possible to detect such a person and to correct his wrongdoings.

A much more reasonable options would be that your site got deleted during our crash at the end of 2006 (you stated you suggested it 5 years ago). If you did not suggest in 2007 or 2008 feel free to do so now. If you did suggest the site in 2007 or 2008 it most probably is still waiting review.


Jul 16, 2008

Thanks. I didn't realize there was a crash in 2006.

However, I did submit my site again a month or two ago because despite the fact that the guidelines say to only submit once I thought "surely there must be an issue if four or five years have gone by".

All I can do is be patient, I guess.
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