How come sites such as ebay and youtube

Jul 10, 2009
How come these sites how so many pages listed surely it's the same site like ebay should be listed in auctions etc..


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
19,136 (the website itself) was discussed, at some length, in the editors' forums. Obviously, many different independent businesses use the one website to publish information about their business.

It should also be obvious that many prickly issues about "affiliate" websites and "order-taker for secret dropshipper" sites can be resolved very simply by asking the questions: "what is the content about this website?" and "how is that unique?" (the answers are "information about the real company's business" and "not at all").

But if a website is listed because of unique information about a business, then ebay could theoretically be listed many times, in many categories, once for each business.

Well, we decided not to do that. is listed several times (even treated as a single website it is a VERY big collection of unique content--not to be compared with any website that any single individual could ever build!) but individual ebay businesses are not listed. For taxonomic purposes, we treated it like the world's largest classified ads website.

So most of the search results for "ebay" are not from the company itself or its users--ebay is important enough that many people have set up websites ABOUT it. (Other large companies as IBM, Microsoft, GM exhibit the same phenomenon.)

Youtube is more like the old Geocities than like ebay. It's a place where anyone can post information (of a specific kind). In effect, it's one domain name with as many websites as there are people who have uploaded videos. You'd expect it to be listed many times, just like other "single domain names" which contain significant contributions from many people -- such as Project Gutenberg, Wikipedia, Catholic Encyclopedia. Again, no single person could ever create a fraction of the breadth and depth of content on such sites, no single person could ever even create and manage a framework adequate to contain a comparable breadth or quality of information.

Obviously, if we cared about representing content creators, we'd HAVE to list these sites many times, to represent them fairly compared to content creators who post content only on their own domain. But that's a very minor consideration. The most important consideration is, after all, to help the surfer find significant sources of unique information.
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