How Do I contact the Editor for A specific Category


Apr 22, 2007
Hello, My name is Foras Aje and I'm the webmaster at <url removed>

At the moment, suffice it to say that I am well aware of the value of a DMOZ listing (just like any other webmaster) and to this effect, I have tried to improve the quality and quantity of the content of my site in the hopes of being deemed as 'worthy' of a listing.

I tried submitting to this category: considering that I DO have my core e-book along with other ones on my site along with blogs and articles on the latest health news, however it's been several months now and I still have not been listed, therefore, if it's at all possible, I'd like to know how to contact the editor for that particular category.

Furthermore, since there is the option for "becoming an editor" in that category that currently has about 10 or 12 listings, does it mean no one is editing the category?

And would it be a good idea to apply to being an editor in the category to perhaps get my own site well as others of course.


Foras Aje


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003

ODP editing is something the editors do in their free time, when and where they are interested in doing so. Reviewing suggestions for sites from the public is only one of the editorial tasks. If you have suggested your site once to the most relevant category there is nothing more you can do to make the site review happen faster - there is no need to contact an editor about it. The site suggestion is presumably waiting for review, in which case it will be reviewed whenever an editor decides to review suggested sites in that category.

The forum FAQ contains information about suggesting sites, including what it means that there is no editor named in a category.
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