How do I contact the editor for Luxury Cars


Aug 28, 2007
How can I contact the editor for the luxury cars section to find out why my site has not been listed after 6 months? Thanks


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You can see if there's a listed editor in that category by looking for their name at the bottom of the category. If there isn't a listed editor, editors of the categories above it and all editall+ editors can edit the category.

I wouldn't recommend that you contact an editor to ask about your site, though. Most editors ignore that type of query. Six months is not an extremely long wait.


Aug 28, 2007
Thanks for the info. My only concern is that other sites I have done where posted in 3 months. I just wanted to make sure there where no issues. My boss is really on my case about getting it listed.


Jan 23, 2003
My suggestion to you is to make sure your boss knows that once a site has been suggested, there is nothing you can do to influence the process -- or to get feedback.

We strongly discourage folks from trying to contact editors because rarely any good comes from it (either for the editor or the perosn making the suggestion).

I don't edit in that part of the directory, so we'll use me an an example:

you send me an e-mail asking about the status of

I will most likely ignore your e-mail.

But, pretend for a second that I don't ignore your e-mail, and I foolishly reply:

The site is not listable
How will you react?

It is sitting there waiting for review.
You'll want to know what the holdup is or when I will get to it
Now the ice is thin and on the verge of cracking.

Or, suppose that I am having a bad day:
Thanks for asking, your site is not going to get listed and your inquiry let me to go look at some of the other sites you ahve suggested, and I have delisted 2 others for a variety of reasons.
Now what are you going to do?

So, think about what you would ask and what answer you would reasonably expect to receive -- and remember that editors are discouraged from answering.

Thanks for asking, though! :D
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