how do I find out status of my submission


Oct 29, 2006

I submitted my site once approx. 3 months ago and once some 6 months ago. It still does not show on dmoz.

I am afraid of submitting my site again as it may be deleted. However, how would I be able to find out if it was rejected ie that I need to re-submit? Also, I would not have any idea why the site was rejected and hence would not know how to improve my chances of getting listed this time.

I have a single parent travel company (<url removed>) and was certain that Speciality Travel was the most appropriate category. Is that correct?

Is there no way of finding out the status?

Thank you for your help.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Sort answer: there's no way of finding out the status.

The good news is that our error rate is fairly small. The chances of us accidentally rejecting a listable site twice (or technical gremlins eating it) are vanishingly small so as to be negligible. Sites suggested to the slightly wrong category are moved to a better one by editors, rather than being deleted.

We get lots of suggestions from the public, and they are just that suggestions. We endeavour to review them all eventually, but with only a finite number of volunteer editors, we are unable offer any time scale for review. All you can do is wait patiently and get on with the rest of your life...

(If you want to know how we review sites, and what counts as listable, have a read of Editing Guidelines: Site Selection Criteria. If your site's listable, then you can safely assume that it's still waiting to be reviewed.)
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