How do i find out who edits a dmoz section


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Hundreds of us can - but we can't predict when that might next be :) .
  • If you are hoping to expedite an existing listing suggestion, contacting an editor won't affect the elapsed time before it's processed.
  • If you want to alter a pending listing suggestion, resubmit.
  • If you want to alter an existing listing, use the update listing link at the top of the category screen.



Jun 3, 2005
Jim, i understand that averyone is busy but would appreciate any help that any of the moderators or editors could give me. My motivations for contacting the editor are to help with the goal of DMOZ, that is to create a better representation of the web rather than the 1.3 billion results that come from a google search!


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Perhaps I could have answered more clearly.

We don't know.
We won't know until one of the several hundred volunteers has done some work there.
Even then, we can't predict how much they'll do or when they will revisit.

If you have a question to ask that I haven't already answered, or you have some information to give or a suggestion to make, please do it here.


Aug 2, 2002
My motivations for contacting the editor are to help with the goal of DMOZ, that is to create a better representation of the web rather than the 1.3 billion results that come from a google search

Why does that statement give me the shudders. Cynicism caused by years of people wanting to help by submitting spam, keyword loaded titles and descriptions, and all manner of nefarious schemes.


Submit good quality guideline matching sites via the Suggest an URL link. No need for editor contact.

Quality control - report in the thread for that purpose in this forum. No need for editor contact.

Become an editor, prove to the metas your motivations are genuine. Sorry but we have thousands of people provide help of the wrong kind every day who would say the same thing as you if challenged, so trust must be earned. Once an editor you have unlimited access to editors to discuss things with via the internal forums.

Most editors delete email from the public without even looking at it. Those who read it generally delete it straight after doing so. Why? Because experience has shown that contact, even with outwardly polite and helpful submitters, can often end in arguments, and worse, attacks of the electronic kind (spamming/hacking/etc) and even threats of physical violence.


May 29, 2005
oneeye said:
Because experience has shown that contact, even with outwardly polite and helpful submitters, can often end in arguments, and worse, attacks of the electronic kind (spamming/hacking/etc) and even threats of physical violence.

Wow, that sounds a bit scary.


Aug 2, 2002
that sounds a bit scary
Some foolish people think there is a substantial pot of gold in a DMOZ listing and they have a God-given right to that pot. $$$s do scary things to people. It is a sad world we live in, in many ways. Editors have to protect themselves and not responding to emails from the public is a very simple and effective way of contributing towards this. Participating on this site is a risk too as you can see from the abuse heaped out from time to time in the archived site status checks, sticking heads above parapets etc.; some of us take that risk, but most choose not to. I never venture out onto webmaster forums under my editor name - that really would be a step too far for me.


May 29, 2005
I'm still learning about how everything works in terms of why people think it is a pot of gold. I know it has something to do with Google, but don't know the mechanics of it. I've learned ODP is more popular than other directories, but there seems to be SO MANY directories it's hard to understand how the financial benefit comes into play. Perhaps I'm just slow. :p


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There doesn't have to be a COMPREHENSIBLE way for the financial benefit to enter; there just has to be a PLAUSIBLE way (like Marxist economic theory: which doesn't have to work, it just has to sound convincing to callow college students.) And remember that internet marketing doesn't tend to attract the analytical mind or the veridical spirit. Pride ("_I_ am the foremost authority on, say, Christian Music"), envy ("there will be umpteen billion dollars of internet sales this year!"), mathematical ignorance ("Over 1500 ODP categories"??? -- and yes, in my family that IS one of the cardinal sins!), deceit in all forms (not least including the internet marketers who market internet marketing strategies to internet marketers on the internet, rather than keeping those strategies as quiet as was consonant with effective use of them, if, that is, they had any effective use.) ...

It is a heady diabolical mix. And it's no surprise that people snared by that kind of economic misanthropy often drift into acting on more generally malevolent impulses, and even cease to be able to recognize the existance of any other kind of motive.

The "directories" you notice are another symptom of the same pathology. There are lots of them, true. Most of them are simply one form of scam that the internet marketers run on each other -- you know, "buy a listing in my directory, and you will get better page rank than the ODP will give you--because there is so little competition in MY directory. Yet. But it will catch on soon!" So, sure, spend a hundred thousand dollars on a few thousand of these "classified ad farms" and ... that's another hundred thousand dollars that the internet marketing industry just made: selling that which not enriches the buyer, but makes us all poorer indeed. It's really not different from the new form of the old pyramid schemes, excuse me, "online networking" affiliate schemes.

It doesn't have to work. It never has to work. There just has to be a financial motive in convincing some small percentage of gullible people that it worked for you.
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