Ben-Norman said:
I selected consultants search engine optimisation i seem to remember but never heard anything ??
That is standard procedure really. You aren't going to be notified regarding a site suggestion, once it appears in the directory you will know it was reviewed and accepted. When you suggested the site, there should have been a confirmation page upon completion-If you saw that confirmation page, then your suggestion was completed successfully. That is all of the notification there usually will be.
Ben-Norman said:
Now i dont want to resubmit again and again as i have heard people do as it states not to but am very confused to if its being delt with. I feel my site is in good standing and informative and brakes none of the rules of the directory and feel i have placed it in the best category and was wondering if someone how may know more when it comes to DMOZ could have a look and mabe give me some sudgestions.
First, resubmitting once to insure that the suggestion was actually received would be ok. Resubmitting multiple times can only have negative effects-Best case scenario is that it significantly delays the time an actual review will take place by causing unnecessary work for the reviewing editors and if they choose to review by suggestion date each new suggestion overwrites the older ones so it pushes it to the bottom of the review pile. Worst case scenario, if enough resuggestions are made it could be labled as spam and that would be bad
Ben-Norman said:
I also applied to become an editor of the category last night as i know DMOZ is short staffed and uses volunteers i thought as i have the skills in seo i could be a good editor but today less than 12 hours was declined but with no reason or explanaitions ?
A rejection of an application always gives reasons, the general rejecetion letter lists those most common reasons for applications to be denied-you just have to actually read the entire letter. If there were no "reviewer comments" then one of the most common reasons apply. I don't have any knowledge of how the applications are reviewed or evaluated but the most common reasons I could see for rejecting would be that the category was too large for a trainee, it was too spammy of a category for a new editor to start with, or the application itself was in error (i.e the site examples weren't appropriate or there were significant spelling, grammar or guideline errors in the title/description).
You aren't going to get a site review/evaluation. The best advice would be to suggest and forget. The most probable reason your site hasn't been listed is that it hasn't been reviewed yet. Remember, site suggestions are just one small resource editors use when builiding a category. In some areas, that resource is unreliable due to spam, duplicates and junk suggestions. If that is the case, editors tend to seek out sites on their own in lieu of the suggested sites. Those sites aren't deleted, they just sit until an editor interested in looking at them comes along and there isn't anyway of prediciting when that will happen.
Hope that helps at least in a small part.