How do I know if I suggested my site?


May 11, 2007
This may sound stupid, however, I have 3 sites (I'm also new to this) and I know I did try and suggest one of them a month ago. I don't think I did the other 2. I didn't keep a record. I was quite confused at the time!

Can I find out if I did suggest my site and which one? If not, if I do all 3 of them together, will it create a problem if I've already sent them once? I don't want to create a problem or get blacklisted or such like?

Any help will be appreciated.



Nov 7, 2006
Just resubmit your site suggestions once more, Cliff, it won't be considered as spamming the Directory. :) Anyone who gets banned has really worked hard to earn the privilege, and we're happy to oblige them.


May 7, 2007
So it's safe to assume that 3 submissions are not going to flag you as a pain in the rear?

I think I might have submitted that many times trying to get in the right cateogry and improve my submission. I did send an email to the editor of the upper level category informing them that I did not intend to spam but never heard anything back.


Nov 7, 2006
Submitting 3 sites, one time each is no problem. Submitting the same site 3 times is really pushing it. Submitting the same site to more than one category, unless it's once in a Topical, and once in a Regional, just wastes our time and doesn't improve a site suggestions chances.

If the suggestion is misplaced, we don't just delete it, we'll send it to where it belongs, :) .

Submitting a site suggestion to the correct category is just very helpful to us. I would say that, at least, 50% of the site suggestions in the Regional section of the Directory are misplaced, so, we spend a lot of our time just moving sites to where they belong, for consideration by those editors.

As large as the Directory is, it's very understandable why it might be confusing for the public, and in many cases they submit to where they'd like to be listed, rather than where they have to be listed, like a large city, instead of where they are really located, in Tootsville, :D.

I don't think where you might get listed in the Directory really matters, unless you're actually searching in the Directory, because search engines take all of our data and use it in their own ways, I suspect. Search engines are off topic here, and not something we concern ourselves with, but where you're placed in the Directory is.

I think placement is only a concern for us, in our attempts to organize the Directory, and make everything mesh logically.

The Directory is a large spiderweb of links leading all over the place, but there is a logical system to it, and we spend a lot of time maintaining and improving those, so there are many different types of jobs for editors to do, and reviewing suggestions is just a minor part of that, :).


May 7, 2007
Crowbar - thanks for the details.

I'm afraid I might fall into submitting the same site 2 or 3 times because at my first visit to dmoz, I didn't fully grasp the best way and/or place to submit it.

I was actually afraid that by submitting to the wrong category it would never be approved and since I had read there is no feedback on submissions I figured I better resubmit to the "best' category for the site.

So as you can see, no harm intended nor abuse of your system but now I know better. I just hope my submission didn't go in the ignore/trash department because of this.


Nov 7, 2006
Editors are not trigger happy, there has to be a very obvious, legitimate reason to delete a site suggestion. We'll even spend a lot of time to see if a site is really gone, or if it has just moved to a new url. Some of the rascals forget to leave a note when they move out, :).

I don't know of any editor who takes their responsibilities lightly, or who is not very conscientious in their editing.


May 15, 2007
Getting in touch with the editor of a category

I just started working for a new company & I know that they have submitted the site to the directory & have not heard back in over a year. Is there anyone I can contact to get more information on this particular site?
I would greatly appreciate any help anyone can give me.


Nov 7, 2006
Editors are encouraged not to respond to submitters because of past abuse, including threats to their families. Some do, and some don't.

If the site suggestion was submitted before Jan, it wouldn't hurt to submit it once more, it won't be considered spamming the Directory, :) .

You'll know it's been accepted when you see it in the Directory, you won't get any notification, though, one way or the other.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.