How do I know if my site has been accepted?


Jul 8, 2011
I am aware that it takes time for a submitted site to be accepted. I just wonder how I will be informed whether my suggested site has been accepted or rejected? When searching for it, there are more than thousand sites in the category I chose and they are not in alphabetic order. A bit tedious to browse...
Kind regards
Lilian Westlin (Alingo)


Jul 8, 2011
Oh yes they are! Perhaps you were looking at one of our downstream data users' version of our directory.
Hi, Thanks for the prompt reply! Sorry for my ignorance, but I am new at this and I don't know which version Google presented me with? I just tried to click my way through the system and perhaps I have chosen the wrong category. Alingo (the submitted site) works with editing and writing science, and the difficulty I encountered when submitting was that I had to choose a subject, although I work with many subjects in very different areas - and clients are all over the world, not just in Sweden (where I live these days).
How do I find the correct version to use?
Kind regards
Lilian Westlin


Jul 8, 2011
Hi, Thanks for the prompt reply! Sorry for my ignorance, but I am new at this and I don't know which version Google presented me with? I just tried to click my way through the system and perhaps I have chosen the wrong category. Alingo (the submitted site) works with editing and writing science, and the difficulty I encountered when submitting was that I had to choose a subject, although I work with many subjects in very different areas - and clients are all over the world, not just in Sweden (where I live these days).
How do I find the correct version to use?
Kind regards
Lilian Westlin
Hi again,
Under the headline "Open Directory Sites" there are 1089 sites listed and they are numbered. When looking at that list, they are not in alphabetical order??? I am sorry, I just don't understand.


Jul 8, 2011
Visit and then navigate to your category of interest.
Yes, I have done so a couple of times and when arriving to my category, Science: Publications, there is a list in alphabetical order. But when I search for my submitted site in the search box, two new lists come up, Open Directory Categories and Open Directory Sites. The last one contains 1089 sites, not in alphabetical order. How can I see if I am listed there?
The original question has disappeared in this discussion: will I receive information about whether my site is accepted or rejected?
Kind regards
Lilian Westlin


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Our rudimentary search is primarily intended to find an appropriate category and it's quite good at that. It will also find listed domains if you search for domainname.tld (eg It's not so good at performing complex searches. Bear in mind that the search can lag behind reality.

Lastly, we don't notify you when your listing suggestion is listed, declined or moved.


Jul 8, 2011
Our rudimentary search is primarily intended to find an appropriate category and it's quite good at that. It will also find listed domains if you search for domainname.tld (eg It's not so good at performing complex searches. Bear in mind that the search can lag behind reality.

Lastly, we don't notify you when your listing suggestion is listed, declined or moved.

Thanks for your reply. I guess I will never know then. Do people really have the time to search eternally through this system on a daily basis to find out whether their site has been accepted? I certainly don't so I guess I have to stick with Google and the others. Don't bother to reply, I wrote it just for others to read. Surely I am not the only one having this problem. It may be of general interest to know that you will never know...


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Do people really have the time to search eternally through this system on a daily basis to find out whether their site has been accepted?
I know such people exist.
I just do not understand why they show such behaviour.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
For those who have to know, services like Google Alerts offer an alternative means of checking for things like this...
Aug 4, 2011
I know such people exist.
I just do not understand why they show such behaviour.
The internet is becoming a destination, a place for people to meet, exchange ideas, learn, and buy things that they want. People are paying lots of money and spending lots of time and energy to build websites that are important to them and they want other people to be able to see their website. A certain level of importance is placed on a listing on I just checked Alexa and their submission requirements are to be listed on

It's important. It's important to people that are putting their time and energy, and in some cases placing their livelihoods, into the success of their websites. Computer programming has switched over to open-source, the web is an open-source community, so when we submit something that is important to us, and we submit it to an organization that has garnered a level of importance in the success of our websites I think it is natural to want to know the results of that submission.

I have a website. I have spent a good deal of time and money on this website and I am very proud of it. I would really like to get a listing on Why can't I get a status update on the listing of my website?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
A certain level of importance is placed on a listing on I just checked Alexa and their submission requirements are to be listed on
That certain level of importance only exists in the minds of some people. And other people (mainly so called SEO experts) try to fool these people to keep believing those myths.

It's important. It's important to people that are putting their time and energy, and in some cases placing their livelihoods, into the success of their websites. Computer programming has switched over to open-source, the web is an open-source community,
It is very simple. If a webiste can not become a succes by its own and by the work of its owner the website is not worth being on the internet. We would DMOZ list websites that can not survice. It only gives us more work checking all those short lived sites. We want websites that will offer a long standing experience for our visitors.

so when we submit something that is important to us, and we submit it to an organization that has garnered a level of importance in the success of our websites I think it is natural to want to know the results of that submission.
We are not interested in what is important to the owner of a website. We only care for our visitors. The people who are looking for information.

I have a website. I have spent a good deal of time and money on this website and I am very proud of it.
It would be very strange if you were net proud of the things you do yourself. But that is not something DMOZ take sinto account when reviewing a website.

I would really like to get a listing on Why can't I get a status update on the listing of my website?
The answer is given in thread marked important with the title Note: These threads are NOT for Submission Status! and on the announcement that thread links to.
Simply said. There are 3 options for a site that is suggested to DMOZ
1) it is reviewed and listed (everybody can see which sites are listed, no use in telling the owner
2) it is reviewed and rejected (everybody can read which sites we will not list, why tell somebody that he should not have wasted our time, it only gives him info we do not want him to have, such people just suggest the same spam over and over hoping we might change our mind, we won't)
3) if it is not listed and not rejected it must still be waiting review (no need to tell anybody as they can dedcut it themself by looking at 1 and 2)


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
For those who have to know, services like Google Alerts offer an alternative means of checking for things like this...

great answer, how to do it, pls help me i want to find my site in DMOZ to check wether it is listed or not.
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