How do I know if my URL listing was denied or just not reviewed yet?


Jan 31, 2009
Hello all,

I have been trying to list my URL for 2 years now. When I submit the URL, I do not receive an email telling me whether my URL listing was received. I have even added a reciprocal link to DMOZ on my website. I am concerned that if I try to resubmit my URL, that I will be black-listed for submitting my URL to often.

How do I know whether DMOZ: (1) Received my URL listing request, (2) Denied my URL listing request or just hasn't reviewed it yet, (3) The reasons my URL was denied, or (4) When I can resubmit without being black-listed for multiple submissions.


Thank you,


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
When I submit the URL, I do not receive an email telling me whether my URL listing was received.
The final screen of the URL suggestion transaction says:
Your site submission has been received.

An editor will review your submission for inclusion in the directory.

Once your site has been accepted into the Open Directory, it may take anywhere from 2 weeks to several months for your site to be listed on partner sites which use the Open Directory data, such as AOL Search, AltaVista, HotBot, Google, Lycos, Netscape Search, etc. We make updates of the data available weekly, but each partner has their own update schedule.

Consider becoming an editor and maintaining a category. The Open Directory has a comprehensive set of tools for adding, deleting, and updating links in seconds. For just a few minutes of your time you can help make the Web a better place, and be recognized as an expert on your chosen topic.
An email is thus redundant.

How do I know whether DMOZ: (1) Received my URL listing request, (2) Denied my URL listing request or just hasn't reviewed it yet, (3) The reasons my URL was denied, or (4) When I can resubmit without being black-listed for multiple submissions.
1. Covered above.
2,3. We only deny listing suggestions when they're not the sorts of websites that we list. You can check this for yourself by studying the guidelnes that we work to.
4. There's ordinarily no need to re-suggest a website. No harm will be done if you do so once more after say a year.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Blacklisting isn't a punishment. It's a way of protecting the ODP process from people who are trying to manipulate it to waste editor time (or subvert editor priorities, which is the most popular motive for wasting editor time).

The submittal policies tell you all you need to know to avoid being blacklisted: that is, they tell you how you can best help an editor find any particular site (including your own site) when they're ready to review just that kind of site.

And giving help isn't a cause for blacklisting.

Anything the submittal policies don't tell you to do, probably won't help. Using the submittal system for something that won't help, is wasting time.
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