how do I know I've not been rejected?


Sep 21, 2007

I submitted my site to the "right" category on 11 April 07 and am not yet listed.
I have read much about the length of time listings may take - but how do I know whether I'm sitting in the pile still, or if my site has been rejected?
Is it worth re-submitting?

Thanks :confused:


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
If you're site is still waiting to be reviewed and you re-suggest it, then either the suggestion will be a duplicate (which just wastes editor time) or it will over-write you previous suggestion (which will mean any editor reviewing sites in date order will get to yours later).

If you're site has been rejected for not meeting our site selection criteria, then unless you've made significant changes in the meantime a second review is likely to reach the same decision (and so just wastes editor time).

Bottom line: If you've read the inclusion guidelines and notice that your site doesn't qualify for a listing, and have since made changes so that it does, then a re-suggestion might be useful. If not then the only case where it might be helpful is in the case of human error on the part of the reviewing editor. To be on the safe side, I'd wait at least 6 months from the initial suggestion, and only suggest again once (making two times in total). The site suggestion guidelines are quite clear as to what happens to sites that are repeatedly suggested (and hence start to waste editor time).
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