How do I know where my website is in the process of being accepted?


New Member
May 26, 2011
Hello, I submitted my URL about a week or two ago and haven't received a confirmation from you.
Is there any way to know where "dmoz" is in the process of reviewing my site? or if it is
currently being reviewed?

I'm doubting since I haven't received an email saying "We received your submission and are
currently processing it. This may take ?1-2 weeks." Or something of the sort.

Thanks for your help.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Hello, I submitted my URL about a week or two ago and haven't received a confirmation from you.
The confirmation was shown on your screen when you suggested the website.

Is there any way to know where "dmoz" is in the process of reviewing my site? or if it is
currently being reviewed?
No, there isn't.
You will not recieve any further confirmations from DMOZ. Not when the site is being reviewed, not when it is listed and not when it is decided not to list the site.

I'm doubting since I haven't received an email saying "We received your submission and are
currently processing it. This may take ?1-2 weeks." Or something of the sort.
If such a message would be given it would read "This may take between a few days and several years."


New Member
May 26, 2011
So the only way to know if they've accepted my URL is to check the dmoz website every day?
They won't notify me "Why" if they didn't decide to accept it? Do you have any suggestions
for me about how to get my cite accepted as I'm awaiting? thanks, jlcone


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> So the only way to know if they've accepted my URL is to check the dmoz website every day?
Do you think it is usefull to check everyday? I don't.
Being listed in DMOZ is not a big deal. It won't bring you instant succes or wealth. It even won't bring you a magic change in how search engines will position the website in their results.

> They won't notify me "Why" if they didn't decide to accept it?
But we do. Even before a website is suggested you can know if it will be accepted or not.
Just read the DMOZ guidelines
The only thing you (and all of the DMOZ editors) do not know is when a website will be reviewed.

> Do you have any suggestions for me about how to get my cite accepted as I'm awaiting?
There is nothing you can do to influence the review process.
Except while making the suggestion. Take care to select the best category and to write a title and description that match DMOZ guidelines. Making a good suggestion will improve changes to get an editors attention over suggestions that are not good.
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