How do I remove my site from ODP?


Apr 28, 2004
How do I remove my site from the ODP? I would prefer not to post the URL in a public forum, but if someone could tell me the process that would be great. I am keeping my domain name but changing the content of the site so it no longer belongs in the ODP.

I have tried for over 3 months to get it removed. I submitted at least two "Update" requests, months apart, asking that it be removed. There is no editor for the category so I am beginning to think it will never get removed. Also, I combed through the FAQs and site info for someone to contact about the situation, but I couldn't find anything.

It would be helpful if the removal process was outlined in the same fashion as "Submit a site" and "Update a listing".

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Mar 25, 2002
The removal process is not outlined because, basically, there isn't one.

We have had many internal discussions about just this issue in the recent past, and the conclusion is that, except in a few special circumstances (which the site owner needs to explain in detail), the ODP is free to list any site which it wants to, and that sites will not usually be removed.

There is a lot more which can be said on this topic, but I don't really have the time right now - but this has given you the answer you were looking for (but probably not hoping for)

What makes you think that the contents of the site when they are changed would not make it applicable for listing somewhere in the ODP?



Apr 15, 2003
Since a large number of sites are added by editors finding them in search engines, or linked from other sites, it's considered that all sites may be added whether the site owner wanted them to be or not. There is no process for deletion.

If you want a solution, place the information you want hidden as pages within the site that are not linked from the main page. Then no one can find them, unless you tell someone they are there. Ggogel and Yahho will not be able to find them either.

Then set up you main/root page to have a pile of useless information that we would not want to place in ODP.


Apr 28, 2004
Thanks for your replies. This is unfortunate. Perhaps if everyone cannot agree that there needs to be a removal process, then at least we can agree that a user should be warned before submitting a site that once a site is in the directory it cannot be removed? It's easy to obfuscate a site and prevent it from being listed in search engines, but hiding it from human editors is much more difficult and probably merits such a warning.

As for removing it, do you give examples of the type of "garbage" I should include on the page to get my site removed? What if my category does not have an editor - will it get reviewed anytime soon? Are there any dead links checks such that I could take my site down for a certain length of time and have it be removed automatically?


Mar 25, 2002
A blank page would be fine.

Any member of the public can suggest a site to the ODP - it doesn't have to be the owner of the site. Editors can also list sites which they find themselves - in fact a lot of new listings are done that way.


Jun 4, 2002
reil0037 said:
a user should be warned before submitting a site that once a site is in the directory it cannot be removed

From the "suggest a URL" page that a user reads before pushing the "submit" button:

In exchange for ODP's consideration of the site I am submitting, I agree
* To waive any claim related to the inclusion, placement, exclusion, or removal of this or any other site in the ODP Directory or to the title or description of any site appearing in the ODP Directory...
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.