How do I Submit my Site


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If you can use the continuous tense in any form for your submittal activity, THAT'S what you're doing wrong.

(1) Submit the base URL, if at all possible. That's what we'll use, if at all possible.

(2) Develop realistic notions of how critical a site is to surfers. Are there other sites (auctions, perhaps?) that could pick up the slack if yours disappeared? What would surfers lose if everyone (sellers and buyers) went over to a competitor? (It's obvious what they would all GAIN--a larger more convenient marketplace!) How many competitors are there? How long would it take for ODP editors to review them all? How useful for surfers would a large collection of relatively inactive auction sites be? How focused, how active, is your site?

(3) Don't submit again. Once is enough. Twice is more than enough. Three times is not spamming ... beyond that, you quickly move beyond helping and into badgering territory, and that will, guaranteed, NOT make things happen faster.


Jun 4, 2005
(2) Develop realistic notions of how critical a site is to surfers. Are there other sites (auctions, perhaps?) that could pick up the slack if yours disappeared? What would surfers lose if everyone (sellers and buyers) went over to a competitor? (It's obvious what they would all GAIN--a larger more convenient marketplace!) How many competitors are there? How long would it take for ODP editors to review them all? How useful for surfers would a large collection of relatively inactive auction sites be? How focused, how active, is your site?

Cheers for the quick reply,

Yes they is a lot of auctions that have failed because the owners have not put any thought into it and what it costs to run and time it takes up.

The auction market is saturated at the moment, and I understand it must be a hell of job checking all the submissions for sites you get to check.

My site is busy and very active and alot of traffic coming from froogle and other search engines. End of the day I am just building up my auction business.

Hence my first post.

Just thought I was doing the submission process wrong.

I will wait and see what happens.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
But, you see, we don't know which auctions are busy without visiting them.


Jun 4, 2005
hutcheson said:
But, you see, we don't know which auctions are busy without visiting them.

Ok how do the editors do the process.

Do they check each site and decide this site is non active or dead and delete that site and move on to the next site.

Reason why I ask is i have seen a few sites that are dead and not really active listed.

Just wondering how it works.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
bidup said:
Ok how do the editors do the process.

Do they check each site and decide this site is non active or dead and delete that site and move on to the next site.

Reason why I ask is i have seen a few sites that are dead and not really active listed.

Just wondering how it works.

When a site is first reviewed for listing, the editor visits it, goes through it and decides whether it will be a good addition to the category s/he is editing in, or not. (If not, the next question is whether it should be sent on to some other category or deleted.)

Websites are not static, though, as you know. Sites change content, they move to new URLs, they die completely. We really try to keep on top of the directory content and make sure the listed sites work, but it is a never-ending job and it's impossible to keep track of each listed site. So... if and when you find a dead site, or one that has moved or that isn't suitable for the category, we are very grateful for a heads-up. You can use the "Update listing" link at the top of the category page to let us know, or you can use the thread here at R-Z which is dedicated to these quality control issues:

Thanks! {moz}
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