How do I suggest a new category?


Mar 17, 2006
I notice that in Health: Conditions and Diseases: Eye Disorders: Retina there is no category for the retinal disease Leber's Congenital Amaurosis (LCA). I also notice that a search for the keyphrase Leber's Congenital Amaurosis brings up zero results.

My question:

How do I suggest a new Leber's Congenital Amaurosis category? And, how can I volunteer to edit this new category?


Amber Bobnar


Nov 6, 2002
They seem to be two different conditions with a similarity of name, one affecting the retina shortly after birth and the other affecting the optic nerve years later. Maybe named after the same guy?

Anyways, the Optic Neuropathy category is empty and the one site that used to be listed in it (removed on account of 404) was actually about Congenital Amaurosis.

Hold that thought, I'm going to have to ask around internally among our health experts before deciding what to do next. If you haven't seen anything more here two weeks from now, please bump this thread.


May 6, 2004
Hello again abobnar,

How do I suggest a new Leber's Congenital Amaurosis category?

I did a little bit of surfing to look for sites that would fit into a new category for Leber's Congenital Amaurosis. Those I found, I have added to for the time being.

I joined Lions Clubs International as a way to help prevent / diagnose eye problems - especially in young children. I thought I knew of nearly every congenital eye disease, but I never heard of this one. We have turned this over to the experts in /Health to discuss the possible addition of this subcategory to the /Retina taxonomy. We usually would like to have at least 5 sites before we create a new subcategory.

And, how can I volunteer to edit this new category?
We are always looking for new editors, especially those with a real interest in the categories they wish edit in. Give us a week or so to see if we have enough sites to add this subcategory, then I would welcome you to apply as an editor. In the meantime - the new editor application requires that you supply (and edit) 2-3 new sites to add to the directory. This would be a great time to find these and to read our FAQ.

Thanks for bringing this possible new subcat to our attention! :)


Mar 17, 2006
Thank you for adding LCA

Thank you for adding a category on LCA.

LCA is a retinal disorder, it's only relationship to Leber's Optic Neuropathy is that it was discovered (and named) by the same doctor. My son has LCA and at this point I do feel like a bit of an expert in the disease. The sites now listed under the subcategory are a great start, but I could suggest a few more.

I would still like to volunteer to edit the LCA subcategory. Should I fill out an application?

Also, it doesn't look like there's a link to the LCA subcategory on the retina page,

Thanks again,

Amber Bobnar


May 6, 2004
It may be possible that the public side had not updated when you looked for the category link. You are more then welcome to apply as an editor of this category. There is a Volunteer to edit this category link on the bottom of this page
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