How do you find your editor


Oct 14, 2008
I submitted my site some time ago, and am interested in being included in the Open Directory. I am unable to find it by doing a search, and in reviewing the FAQ, I found a section that suggested sending a polite email to the editor of the section in which I would like my site posted. I don't seem to be able to find the editor, and as such, am not sure who to contact. In particular, I am interested in having my site posted in Lahaina, Maui Real Estate. Any guidance would be helpful and greatly appreciated!


Apr 5, 2004
There may be no editor listed at the bottom of the particular category, but that certainly doesn't mean that nobody edits there, as you can see by reading the FAQ: "There's no editor for my category - will my suggestion ever get reviewed?".
There is nothing to be gained from a personal appeal to an editor to review your site, because the ODP is not a listing service, and that is not what we do. Volunteers are encouraged to find sites in any number of places, so your suggestion merely makes it easier for someone to find your site the next time they are interested in building that category. We cannot say who or when that might be. Thank you for your suggestion. :)
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