It's just that as you write new sections it would be nice to know if the "Under Construction" rule would be applicable.
This is a most interesting question, and addresses an issue that we could probably expand on.
Much of it has to deal with perception. If you are building a website that might eventually have six sections, the natural thing to do is to lay out the site, even if you do not have content for all six sections;
- First finished section
- Second finished section
- Under construction
- Under construction
- Next finished section
- Under construction
Now this is good from a development perspective because you can see what the site is going to look like when you finish adding the content -- the headers all line up nicely, etc.
Yet, when a surfer visits they see a site that is only half done.
When an ODP edits visits, we see a site that is only half done. Interestingly enough, sometimes we come back two years later and see the same site with little or no progress on adding the new content.
Consider, instead, building the structure for only the parts that you have content. Thus, think of doing this:
- First finished section
- Second finished section
- Next finished section
Now, what is the impact?
When a surfer visits, they see a site with content. Since they cannot read your mind, they do not know there are going to be three more sections. They will not come to the conclusion that the site is only half done. They may decide the site is 'a bit light' in terms of content, but that is vastly different than deciding that the site is incomplete.
As editors, when we visit the site, we also do not see any under construction signs or empty sections -- both of which are highly damaging to one's prospect of being listed. Again, we might decide the site simply does not have enough content to be listed -- but we might not. It all depends on how much content you actually have.
The key thing is that by not signalling that the site is incomplete, you may have sufficient content to get listed -- and then the additional content you add is gravy and help ensure that your site stays listed.
Only my opinion -- plus my need to say in 150 words what Jim said in 15.