How do you know if your site is acceptable to dmoz


Nov 13, 2006
I was wondering if there is a way to know if your site will be acceptable to dmoz before you try to submit the url ?
Just curious ... I have a retail sales website and we print shirts and clothing and gift items and the site content is what our business is, and as far as I can see it "should" be a legitimate site with no really bad points against it, but I was worried I would be rejected because of something I can change, or something I am missing.
Any input from editors or moderators will be greatly appreicated, and no, I'm not posting the web address for cheap promotion ... if anyone who is an editor or moderator would like the url address, please just contact me at <email address removed here> and I will forward it to them ... it would be incredible if someone could look the site over and even let me know if the site would have a good or bad chance of being accepted into dmoz.
Thanks in advance and have a good day all ... and good luck on the technical side too .. hope the site is up soon and hopefully when it is, I can get listed on the directories !
a.k.a. badbird :D


Apr 5, 2004
it would be incredible if someone could look the site over and even let me know if the site would have a good or bad chance
I'm sorry, but we do not offer individual site reviews here. If you want someone to give an independent opinion on your site you could ask in one of the webmaster forums.
I should add that of course the design of the site is not in the least important as far as ODP is concerned. The only thing an editor will consider when reviewing a site is whether there is sufficient unique content to add value to a category. :)


Nov 13, 2006
Thanks for the input folks !

I appreciate the fast input ... I think my site is appropriate for dmoz, but it is just my opinion (I think my business is a great one, personally :)).
I think I will fall in with the editors as far as mine not being a junk site full of irrelivant information ... we are just a small retail business just starting out and our site is pretty much like a store would be ... what you see and read is what you get.
I feel our site contributes to anyplace we are listed because we offer unique items that, as far as I can see, are solely made by us (our flags).
I think I should be OK with the guidelines, though ... I guess you all just need to wish me luck once the site is back up and accepting site suggestions.
Thanks again for your input and have a great day !
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