How do you submit a Multiple Subject Site?


I have been trying to submit a multi-subject site for about eight months now. My site( has three main subjects pages. Fine Art, Ornamental Wrought Iron,& Custom about diverse. I read something about deeplinking. I am confused though. Can I subit them like this: Art Frame Page.htm <TO>
Arts: Visual Arts: Drawing: Artists Iron Frame Page.htm <TO>
Arts: Crafts: Metal Craft: Blacksmithing: Smithys & Hot Rods Frames Page.htm <TO>
Shopping: Vehicles: Motorcycles
I have been confused as to who I should and shouldnt submit them to. Could someone please help. I would greatly appreciate it!


Mar 25, 2002
In general, what you have described is the correct way to think about deeplinking and is permissible. In practice, this is a really tough call with your site the way it stands. Let me give you some of my thoughts, with the caveat that I am neither a Shopping or Arts editor.

First - What is the purpose of your site and each of its subsections? I can't tell if you are trying to sell stuff and get custom orders (which indicates a listing in Shopping), or if you are just showing the world the wonderful work you do (which indicates a listing in Arts). I'm guessing that ultimately, you'd like to sell your stuff. If so, I think you need to emphasize better that you want to SELL stuff - how to purchase the items shown, mention that you will ship anywhere, and explain how you take custom orders and again, who you will do them for. Also, why are you showing stuff that has been sold? I would either move it to a portfolio section, or say something about custom orders for a similar painting.

Second - If you want the three sections to be able to be listed separately (so you can target your buying audience better), they need to stand on their own. Right now, the website is too well integrated to really warrant deeplinking. Have a home page with the "about the artist info" and links to the separate the topics. Give each topic a clear, stand alone title and its own purchasing/contact section. This is also important if you want to tailor part of the site for Shopping, but the other part for Arts. This doesn't guarantee deeplinking, but it will give it a chance.

Finally - I would separate the erotic art to its own page. I don't think it classifies as adult, but your caution hardly helps being right above a picture. /images/icons/wink.gif

Oh yeah - get rid of the flashing doo-dads at the top of your contacts page and just list the info directly there. (My personal pet-peeve - unnecessary doo-dads /images/icons/smile.gif ) Better yet, make the contact info part of your header or side bar so it is really easy to find.

Anyway - I'm sure a more experienced editor will come along and say that we already have a category that your site fits in exactly as-is, but this gives you an idea of how a medium experience editor trys to decipher a site. Hope that helps!
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