How do you submit a new category


Apr 22, 2006
How do you suggest a new category? I have A breed of dog that is not list under (Top: Recreation: Pets: Dogs: Breeds: Hound Group: Breeders ). Tis is the most specific I could get or back up one to (Top: Recreation: Pets: Dogs: Breeds: Hound Group ) I would like to suggest Bavarian Mountain Hound as a new breed of dog in either of these categories. I have read the rules over since I submitted 2 months ago and now feel that I should have tried to submit the category first. I understand the rules to say if I am selling puppies I should be under regional and I am doing that this year but it then be another 18 months before I even consider another litter, the most important thing I am trying to do is get this breed recognized by the public and the usefullness of the breed when it comes to hunting. My site is more about information about the breed how to train and general info about the work I do with my dog. So what would be your suggestion try to get the new catergory listed and resubmit to it or resubmit to regional.

Thank you for you time.


May 26, 2002
Submit to the closest category, or the one above where a new category might appear, and once an editor has a collection of more than 3 to 5 listable sites ready to be listed, the editor might decide to create just such a category to put them all in.


Apr 22, 2006
Thanks Giz. It will be a while then to get listed. This is a rare breed of dog in the U.S. with less than 50 at this time. The breed is very important in the Europen hunting scene and with the intrest and number of hits I have gotten to my site appear to be ready to take off over here. There are only 3 of us who are even considering breeding and I am the only one with a web site.

If I have submited to the one closest to were the new category would appear will the editor wait to post the site or will they put it in the one best fitting my site at this time.


Jun 8, 2005
The directory is not limited to just sites in the United States. If you find European sites for breeders or dedicated to information about that breed and suggest them also, that will make it easier for an editor to decide to make a category for Bavarian Mountain Hound.


Apr 22, 2006
Thanks Imocr, I can do this we deal with and help people import this breed from Poland and have to kennels over there that are very good. There is also a kennel in Italy that breeds and the Lady is an international Judge. I will go back and suggest those 3 sites as that would put the total up to 4 sites dedicated to this breed.
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