How does dmoz control editor bias?

How does handle unethical editorial practices?
The guidelines for becomming an editor indicate an editor must be unbiased and objective. I recently discovered that the editor of a topic in business services is actually in that particular business. His business is listed first and several major competitors are listed near the bottom. The listing of the competitor (my web design client) is described as having an outdated technology when in fact the company offers cutting edge technology.
I would like to know what I can do to address this situation?


Curlie Meta
Feb 28, 2002
Report the person to a meta editor, the above noted thread explains how. We will investigate the situation, if abuse is found we will take action of some sort. Could range from a warning, to total removal of editing privilages. We do not look lightly upon abuse situations. We control bias by asking for all affiliations and then treating those who lie to us strictly. Being an editor is a privilage, not a right, so if someone abuses the privilage it's swiftly taken away from them. There are a lot of editors though, and we can't watch all of them all the time, so tips like yours are very welcome.

You can e-mail a meta (or even two), but don't hold your breath. I reported an editor for continual abuse that has actually been acknowledged and yet the editor hasn't been so much as touched. The things this editor has done are so ludicrous you wouldn't believe it unless you saw it yourself. It's been a year since the abuse began, but the editor still edits the category she has several business sites listed under and continues to neglect her non-commercial category where almost a quarter of her listings don't even have descriptions. This from an editor who edits the commercial category constantly - constantly keeping her competition in check, that is.


Mar 25, 2002
If you contact me with the details about the alledged abuse, I'll pass them onto netas that I know are working in that area of the directory. We do take allegations of abuse very seriously, but sometimes people do see abuse where there isn't any...
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