How long a wait for review is reasonable?


Apr 1, 2009
i have a question, may be stupid, but... if i submitted a site before 2 mounts how long i should wait for review?
the site is flash [URL removed]


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
There is no way to predict when someone will review your site. By suggesting your site you've done all that you can do.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Why would you wait for review at all? What can you do after review that you couldn't do before?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Given the increasingly important role of dmoz in search engines, to what extent are dmoz listings becoming a "choke point" in a site's ability to be found?

Given that nobody outside the search engine technical staff knows how important dmoz is right now, let alone whether it's increasing or decreasing,

And given that many sites not listed in dmoz nonetheless rank quite well in, say, Google,

And given Google's well-documented increasing importance to web users,

And given that dmoz's purpose is to help surfers find information, not help websites be found (there is a significant difference!) ...

And given that resource-zone's purpose is to help people understand dmoz....

Is there anything in the question that remains unanswered?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
For reviews to be useful they need to happen within a reasonable time.

This is something else that confuses lots of people.

But here's the fact. A site suggestion doesn't increase the amount of work an editor has to do. The number of unreviewed sites is exactly the same after the suggestion, as before it.

And an editor can review any site, listed or not, suggested or not. So suggesting a site doesn't increase the amount of work an editor is allowed to do, either.

And suggesting a site doesn't change editor priorities at all, in any way. An editor can review sites in any order (or, to put it another way, an editor can review any site, regardless of what sites have not been reviewed, and regardless of what sites HAVE been reviewed.) From

So what does suggesting a site do? If it's a good suggestion, it helps editors find that site at the appropriate time. But what is the appropriate time? Whenever a volunteer feels surfers would be profited by more work on the category--feels, strongly enough to sit down and DO something about it.

Well, does a suggestion affect whether a volunteer feels the category needs help? It might, but it's a suggestion. Like all suggestions, it depends on a shared goal. ("Help me make more money" is not a goal ANYONE shares--that's my own selfish greed. "Help surfers find authoritative information from a demonstrably knowledgeable source" IS a goal that many people share. So many people confuse the two. Editors are used to making the distinction.)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
However, a wholesale avoidance of submissions based on quantity is just as likely to hurt ODP moving forward, as it likely misses relevant sites along with spam

This assumes there's no other way of finding relevant sites.

But site suggestion is only one way, and not the most important.

The fact is, a wholesale avoidance of Google searches is likely to hurt ODP, as it WILL miss relevant sites.

The fact is, a wholesale avoidance of personal link collections WILL hurt ODP, as it WILL miss relevant sites not contained in Google.

Each editor has the right to judge what methods of finding websites are most efficient ... FOR THE SUBJECT HE'S CURRENTLY WORKING ON. We know perfectly well no one method works perfectly, and editors are expected to develop skills with multiple methods, and use them to build categories.

But ... nobody has a right to criticize any editor for NOT using any particular approach. Nobody can tell anyone else to use MSN-Undead Search instead of Google! Editors share techniques they have tried, and found effective based on that experience. And if any editor feel other editors are neglecting some method, he can simply repair the neglect by USING that method and publicly demonstrating how well it works -- by finding lots of good sites.

You're talking to editors who have, collectively, found hundreds of thousands of sites, and who have been discussing search procedures with editors who've found millions of sites. Any time you want to stop speculating about how to find websites effectively, and start learning -- you know where to come.


Curlie Meta
Aug 19, 2003
Moved these posts from an old thread that was not relevant to the original post and over a year old. The quoted parts in later posts are from that old thread.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.