How long can it take to get listed (in the worse case scanario)


Jun 19, 2012
I just read that you no longer provide submission status checks.
I submitted my site about 2 months ago, how long can it take to be submitted in the worse scenario (wrong category and maybe very big category).

Would you be able to give me some advises, should I submit my website again now that I have a bit more content? Should I wait a bit longer?

One thing which I don't quite undersand is why don't you send an email to the website owner at the end of the revision? Just to let him know if the site is listed or no, one of those automated email that don;t accept replyes. Just an idea.

Thank you for taking time to read my post.



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> how long can it take to be submitted in the worse scenario (wrong category and maybe very big category).
Worst scenario (in theory): for ever

> Would you be able to give me some advises,
> should I submit my website again now that I have a bit more content?
No, there is n o reason to suggest a website more than once. A suggestion will never be removed without a review.
If a website has changed after being suggested an editor will change the proposed title, description and maybe category based on the content at time of review.

> Should I wait a bit longer?
Wait for what?
If you want to spend your time waiting for a website to be listed in DMOZ is ofcourse your choice.
But I would know many more usefull things to do in that time.

> One thing which I don't quite undersand is why don't you send an email to the website owner at the end of the revision?
> Just to let him know if the site is listed or no, one of those automated email that don;t accept replyes. Just an idea.
The original intention was that people would suggest websites they encountered while surfing the web.
The intention was never that website owners would suggest their own sites.
As we do not know what the relation of the person who made the suggestion is with teh website that is suggested and as DMOZ does not provide a sevrice for webmasters/owners to get their website listed we see no reason to contact anybody about the result of teh review proces.
Everybody who suggests a website can know on forhand if the website will be listed or not. Just read the guidelines. The only thing that is unknown both to us and to the person that made the suggestion is when the review will happen.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
What pvgool said - the site suggestion process can be described as "suggest and forget"...


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Your answers were a bit harsh buthelpful

Considering that your questions have been asked and answered umpteen times already in this forum - as you could easily have found for yourself - I thought that pvgool's response was a lot more patient and courteous than mine would have been. Harsh and factual aren't synonyms.


Jun 19, 2012
Yes, you are right, I should have read more post and I am doing it now. I will also re-read your guidelines because by reading from other sites you get a completely different idea of what DMOZ actually is. My fault.

Thank you again.
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