How Many Afilliates are Too Many?



It depends on how much original content there is.

Mentally delete all of the affiliate information on your site. How much is left? You know, the stuff that is absolutely unique to your site.

If the answer is "not much" then it's doubtful we would ever list it.


Mar 14, 2005
Ontario, Canada
Ah, ok. I feel that my forty-four reviews, seven guides and four articles can stand the test. Not to mention we write more all the time. Although I have been working on XHTML1.1ing the site for the longest time.

Heck, there are sites listed that have less content then me, so I'd gather I have enough.

Anyway, I guess what I'm looking for is not to be arbitrarily added to a directory, I just want to know if an editor would/could look at my site. I think how the DMOZ works is great, but something needs to be done about the length between edits.

Perhaps one of those computer generated number things to prohibit spam?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Perhaps one of those computer generated number things to prohibit spam?

That has been suggested before -- always by people who didn't take the time to understand the system or the challenges it faces.

The public part of the situation is this: our incoming spam is different from your e-mail. You get one gonif sending the same garbage to ten million people -- and there are a few thousand gonifs in the trade. So clamping down on the automated zombie e-mail senders will seriously impact your pr0n supply.

But we get five thousand gonifs a day, each sending one post to us. Since automated posts are not the problem (we believe trained monkeys are used for the vast majority of these), then the approach you suggest really doesn't address the issue we have. In fact, any automated approach we take would result in retraining the monkeys, and our 5p4m intake would hardly flicker.

On the other hand, we don't talk about what we ALREADY do to help editors can spam efficiently -- and sorry, that's not going to change. People are welcome to show their skill at grokking the problem (by, say, a few thousand edits in progressively more spam-ridden categories.) And then participating in the internal discussions.

I do think it is safe to say that with only the anti-spam techniques we had five years ago, the editors would be completely overwhelmed. As it is, we are comfortably treading water.


Mar 14, 2005
Ontario, Canada
So the problem you face isn't bots, it's trained monkeys. I didn't know it wasn't bots. Sorry.

Damn dirty apes!

Heh, I can think of another quote relating to this too:

"You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Damn you all to hell!" - Anonymous Editor after checking a directory.
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