How many categories can you submit a site to?



How many sub-pages are you allowed to submit to different categories? Is there a limit?

examples: submitted to blah/boo/lala submitted to cars/space/donkeys

Just examples!!! I know you don't have these categories! <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The submittal policy says to submit a site (by whatever page) to the ONE most appropriate category. _Editors_ are allowed to add links to multiple pages in a site "in exceptional cases;" editors seldom mind reviewing good, focused subsites of stable sites in parts of the directory where experience has shown that deeplinking is practical, reasonable, and useful.

If you are thinking about submitting lots of pages, you should make sure that your pages would be "among the best" pages in a category (rather than 'slightly better than the worst, when gazed upon with a sufficiently maternal eye'). And you should probably give specific site details here, and get a quick impression of the actual site's suitability for deeplinking. Failure to do this will result in the permanent and unseparable association of your name with pejorative adjectives.
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