How much time between applications?



I have found a category in the ODP that I am interested in, and for which the current listings are, in my opinion, in need of considerable extension. I have applied to become an editor of this category, but have been rejected with a rather vague but encouraging message, suggesting that I re-apply in the future.

I am willing to put a lot of work into my application, because, while I respect the work that the current editors of my category have done, I feel that there is considerable further work that I am in a strong position to do (and I am willing to do it!). So I intend to take the meta-editor's comments at face value, and re-submit my application.

Here's the question - I don't want to spam the meta-editors by submitting too many applications from the same person for the same category. How long should I wait between applications?


Mar 19, 2003
Well it depends on the reasons given for your rejection. If you were told that you should go and re-read the ODP guidelines and then consider resubmitting then you need to leave enough time to read them and work out which one(s) you were not considering in the sites given in your application. Some people might do that the same day, some people might take a few weeks - the actual time taken is not so important as whether or not you come back with a better application the second time. If you were told something else then it would help us give you some guidance if you could post your feedback or a summary here.


May 26, 2002
The editing server is going offline for a week in about 48 hours time. This will take all editing, site submission, and editor application functions with it.

I would write your application in a text editor, revise it, think it over, re-read it, and then submit it when everything comes back on line towards the end of the month. Best not rush it. If you submit it now, then it might not be looked at for at least a week anyway.


Submitting again and again for the same category and with the same name after being rejected will be considered as a spam? And if it is considered so, will it affect the submitter in any way?

Every other day would be about right, but only if you think you've improved your choice of category and/or your application's quality since the last rejection.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Making the same stupid mistake over again the next day is spam. Making different mistakes the next day is a creative part of the learning process.


I guess I take it as a given that a new submission that is essentially the same as the previous one should be considered as SPAM, no matter how much time elapsed between. But if the advice in the reply is very straightforward, it could be possible to make substantial improvement in a matter of hours. But it seems that this could still be seen as spam, since education of prospective editors is only part of the mandate of meta-editors.

The "every other day" guideline seems sensible to me. Thanks for suggesting it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>But if the advice in the reply is very straightforward, it could be possible to make substantial improvement in a matter of hours.

Yes. And it has happened.

But ... sleeping on the new submittal, to give yourself a chance to proofread with a fresh mind, is a good idea also.

There's no official guideline here, but basic courtesy is never inappropriate. Someone who is trying to show thoughtful consideration for the hardworked metas isn't going to go too far wrong.

consideration for the hardworked metas

I'm still waiting for my wife to massage my feet and peel grapes for me while I edit and do other meta things ;)

If the application shows quality and plenty of ability to read, understand and follow the guidelines, you're more likely than not to be accepted.
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