How much time takes approved in dmoz?


New Member
Jul 6, 2016
I've been trying to submit a site since 2011. Over the years tried probably 5 times and never got any acknowledgement. And yes, I have submitted it to the right category, never spammed. The site is a legitimate one with thousands of users all across the world. I realize that some categories may be lacking editors, but 5 years is a bit ridiculous... Almost starting to question the motivations of this specific category editor. Can anyone look into it or help in any way?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> tried probably 5 times and never got any acknowledgement
that is 4 times to much
we will never send any acknowledgement, except for the message you get on screen when the suggestion is done

> some categories may be lacking editors
ever thought of becoming part of the solution instead of complaining
> but 5 years is a bit ridiculous.
no it is not

> specific category editor
there is not such a thing a "specific editor"
some editors only can work on 1 or a few categories
some editors can work in all categories
if nothing happens in a category than none of them had the time or interest
for DMOZ this is not a problem, we look at the directory as a whole to see improvement sometimes it grows in category A sometimes in category B
and that is fine for us


New Member
Jul 6, 2016
And there we go, as expected: "mighty, overworked Us" and "them". Nobody was complaining, just stating the facts.

And if 5 years is not ridiculous, then the only notice that is shown just once should be updated, stating that it might be years...

Somehow I saw more admins on this forum in just two days then all the previous years on DMOZ. Just another fact.


Curlie Meta
Aug 19, 2003
We try to answer questions asked here, even if most are complaints about someones site not being listed.

The public may suggest sites but there is no guarantee that a suggestion ever will be considered.

Very few editors visit this forum, most are busy editing at and their work is not as visible to the outside.

If you suspect abuse you may report it at, not here.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Somehow I saw more admins on this forum in just two days then all the previous years on DMOZ. Just another fact.
Ah yes, but being meta/admin gives us even less time to actively edit... Assuming that your site meets the site selection criteria, five years certainly seems long, but not impossible. As informator suggested above, you can raise an abuse report which will get investigated to see if it's just a case of bad luck or something else.
There is a link in each category to the form - Please include as much detail as possible (in your case, url's categories and dates) as it helps if we have somewhere precise to start from :)
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