How shall we follow with submission?


Apr 23, 2004
It is been noticed by me lately that the site submission status check has been discountinued. I welcome this as this was making us curious and complications while communicating.

However question remains till what time we wait for ODP to get our site listed? What we follow is to

1) Submit the site for first time and wait for one month and if not listed submit the site again.
2)Secondly we use to submit multiple pages in different category.

Could you pleae let me know the best way to check with dmoz? Submit once and wait till listed or keep submitting on monthly basis? Your feedback would be of great help for me.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Submit once and wait till listed. Do not resubmit monthly. Do not keep submitting pages to different categories.


Mar 25, 2002
Thanks for asking.

Please submit once and wait until listed. And submit only the "root" URL for the site, do not submit multiple pages.



Apr 23, 2004
Thanks for your suggestions.

I shall abide by the guidelines then, however I have one more question to ask. I am SEO and I submit many of my client site, you know we need to give email address while we submit sites for Dmoz.

Now can I give my own email for all the sites which I submit to Dmoz? or do I need to give different email for each of this sites? Please guide me.

Thanks again.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Yes, please give your own address whenever you suggest a site. It helps if for some reason the editor should have a question and wants to reach the submitter.


Nov 12, 2005
site submited


Just reading the above.

I have always followed what has been said above I think but it is very hard not knowing if you site is not their because it’s been rejected or because the editor is very busy. I have submitted two sites in the last 12 months and both are still not in Dmoz. Both sites have had a lot of time and work put into them to make them good sites so I would hope they would be accepted. My main question is does any one know a forum that can tell me if my site - sites have been rejected.

I will be very great full for any response.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I know how human curiosity works. I'm afflicted with it myself. It is not comfortable.

But, the fact is, for HONEST sites, the information we could give you wouldn't matter in any practical way whatsoever -- honest webmasters will do what they were planning to do to promote their sites, regardless of whether the ODP ever lists them. If those sites turn out to be a success, AND they contribute to the ODP mission, then the ODP will list them ... eventually.

Or you could think of it this way: we can't set our priorities perfectly. It is not possible, and if it were possible, it would take unimaginably longer to do than to simply review all sites on the net. But IF we could prioritize perfectly, and IF we put all the people on earth to that task and after a few billion solar lifetimes DID create the perfect priority, and IF someone built a time machine to bring the information back to this moment, what would happen?

Simply this: for every website on earth, when the webmaster's visitors say, "I don't care whether this site is in the ODP, I'll go to it anyway", AND the webmaster says, "this site no longer needs an ODP listing, it is a success without it" -- at that very instant the site should be reviewed (and, if appropriate, listed). In other words, neither before or after the listing would the ODP have been any help at all to the webmaster or to his circle of associates. The listing is only there for the surfers, to lead them to sites that don't need artificial promotion -- that is, the sites that are successful based on the merit of their contribution to human knowledge.

But then, how about DISHONEST webmasters? Spammers, doorway page artists, affiliate/drop-ship "e-marketers", pseudonymous lead generators, free-for-all or free-to-all-who-pay banner farmers? They suffer waiting for a listing that (as any honest person knows) ought to never come. And ... isn't it great!


Nov 12, 2005
The reason I want a listing is a listing in Dmoz is recognition to say yes I have done some thing good. It’s all well and good getting into the search engines but some of them take any rubbish but Dmoz is humanly edited so if you do get a listing you know you have done something good its like getting a gold star at school.

I have worked on credit card site that aim to provide an independent, unbiased assessment of UK credit cards. Our extensive credit card reviews database allows you to easily compare many of the major cards available. The site is over a year old now and has been submitted and I look at some of the spam that’s around and think why I bothered making a good site.

Then you get editor from other directories look at you site and give you only a low rating and you ask why and they then say all the advertising on the right hand side of the site, and it shows they have not looked at the site properly as if they had they would have found they go to our own reviews.

My point being you try to make a good site but they still think its spam because there are so many spam sites out their and they just don’t look properly which is why it would be good to get feed back.

If the Dmoz editor has done the same as most editors have done then my credit card site will have been rejected. Just because we have tried to be different

The shopping site I have done has been given great reviews by everyone so I would hope it would be accepted but again I don’t know.

I would love to help you guys out, I have even asked to become and editor for my local town but again you never hear back. There are lots of companies they are not listed and I would love to be able to help promote our town more. Especially as it the home of game of Rugby.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I have no idea what you are talking about. The editors at THIS directory do not give "high" or "low" ratings. They do not care how many spammy sites exist that are worse than the site being reviewed. And we don't discuss why sites are rejected (anymore).

But the ODP is certainly the LEAST advertising-oriented directory on the net, so if some OTHER directories are dinging you because of the number of ads -- if you are "the directory that is so full of ads the other directories noticed" -- I'd say that does not bode well for the ODP editor thinking you did good work! So if some OTHER directories are ALREADY giving you the radioactive-lead star for excessive advertising, then without asking you can probably figure on the ODP editor awarding the "potted meat byproduct with anthrax cluster."
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