How should I suggest a multilingual site?


Jul 29, 2008
I can't inser my site from a long long time..

Dear Dmoz Staff,

thank you for your work! I write to you because I believe I'm doing something wrong..
This is my history:

A. 3-4 years ago, I insert my site in dmoz <url removed>. MyRent is a software for italian car rentals, so I suggest the website in

World: Italiano: Computer: Software: Gestionale

It is published, it' all rights!

B. 3-2 yeas ago, we've started developing MyRent in English, so i suggest the website <url removed> every 5-6 months to:
Business: Automotive: Software
or alternatively:
Computers: Software: Business: Small Business

but it has never been published.

C. 6 months ago, we've started MyRent in Espaniol, so i suggest the website <url removed> 1-2 months ago in one of this directories (I don't remember which one..):

Top: World: Español: Negocios: Informática: Software
Top: World: Español: Computadoras: Software: Administrativo

but it has never been published.

So the question is: why <url removed> and <url removed> aren't published?? What is wrong?

Thank you in advance,


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
So you have repeatedly suggested two URLs that are closely related to your already listed URL, and you suggested at least one of them to two different categories? The Submission Agreement which you agreed to follow each time you sent in a site suggestion explicitly states that you shouldn't do that.

We're happy to list multilingual sites in all relevant languages, but we don't list mirroring URLs.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
openmoka said:
B. 3-2 yeas ago, we've started developing MyRent in English, so i suggest the website <url removed> every 5-6 months to:
Business: Automotive: Software
or alternatively:
Computers: Software: Business: Small Business

but it has never been published.
If it isn't published there are two possibilities. It is still waiting review or it is rejected. In both cases there is no need to suggest it again.
BTW are you sure about the "every 5-6 months for the last 2-3 years"? Wasn't it much more and more often?

When you suggested the site you were asked to read the guidelines and you were asked to aknowledge that you did read them.
Suggest a site only ONCE to the ONE best category.


Jul 29, 2008
nea said:
We're happy to list multilingual sites in all relevant languages, but we don't list mirroring URLs.

Ok, but the url is different <URLs removed> and the website are similar but different - it isn't the same website with multilingual.

So, what should i do to submit the others url? Have I to specify that it is a multilingual site? Or not because of are 3 different domain?

Have I to change the website organization?

I'm sorry but I haven't understand..

Thank you in advance.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I'm sorry but I haven't understand.


Don't submit any more until you do understand.



Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Most sites that have different language versions have some way to get from one language to another. A flag icon or something like that. It's actually quite useful when you visit a site like that to be able to change to a language you understand, in case you arrive at the wrong version - and for you as a site owner it is a way to keep people on your site, instead of having them leave because they think there is nothing for them there ;)

In those cases we list the same domain in each of the relevant languages.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
openmoka said:
Ok, but the url is different <URLs removed> and the website are similar but different - it isn't the same website with multilingual.
I have seen all 3 websites and they are clearly all exactly the same (except for the language). Nothing different about them.

So, what should i do to submit the others url? Have I to specify that it is a multilingual site? Or not because of are 3 different domain?
The one thing you certainly should not do is to suggest any of the 3 sites again to DMOZ. The Italian version is already listed. The English version has been suggested 14 times during the last 12 months (to me this is close to spamming the directory - that is why I asked before if you were sure about the number of suggestions you made - and yes, they were all 14 done by you). The Spanish version is also suggested.
An editor will look at the suggestions and decide which version will be listed. And although there are links on each site to the other two I would advise the same as Nea ( It's actually quite useful when you visit a site like that to be able to change to a language you understand, in case you arrive at the wrong version).

Have I to change the website organization?
That is for you to decide. It is not necessary for DMOZ. But it might be helpfull for you and your visitors.

I'm sorry but I haven't understand..

Thank you in advance.
Your welcome. I hope our answers have been of help.


Jul 29, 2008
pvgool said:
Your welcome. I hope our answers have been of help.

Thank you very much. You give me all info that I need.

Thank you DMOZ staff.



Jul 29, 2008
Dear Dmoz,

I'm writing here because of I don't know if my submission is ok.
3-4 years ago, I submit a website <URL removed> that is published from 3 years.

Then, I started to submit the website <URL removed> and <URL removed> but in this forum, people say me that was wrong.

After reading again the guide lines, I understand that I've to Update my suggested URL <URL removed> and to specify the other 2 sites.

So I Update the URL <URL removed> saying to list the other links <URL removed> and <URL removed>.

Is it the correct way? I've done any mistake, doesn't it?

I 'm writing for this question because your systems do not say anything if someone make a mistake. So if I do something wrong, I'd like to know as soon as possible.

..and I'll be waiting with no problem to the pubblication date.

Thank you & Regards,


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
If a site is available in more than one language you are allowed to suggest that site for each of those languages.

But it seems you ahve already done so
see above [removed link to other thread, they are now merged]

You have been told that because you have suggested your site(s) already several times to all languages available on your site you should not suggest it / them again. Never did anyone tell you to request for updates of your current listing.
The only thing you are doing is giving editors more work. Taking care of these suggestions and update requests takes time, time we could have spend on reviewing sites.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Your systems do not say anything if someone make a mistake.

This is true. But we have a much simpler, much more efficient system.

If someone makes a mistake, nobody needs to tell them. Anyone who knows about the mistake can suggest a fix, or can just fix it.

You can suggest a fix for any editor's mistake. And any volunteer with permissions in the category can fix your mistake. Nobody ever has to track down the person who made the mistake, just to get things corrected.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I've merged your two threads together since they are about the same thing.


Jul 29, 2008


thank you. In the previous thread, them say that I do a mistake so after reading the guidelines again, I've thought that I've to update my suggested URL - in effect guidelines don't say anything about how to update a multilanguage site, but only how to submit a new multilanguage site.

Reading the thread, I thought that they discarded my suggested URL.

So if it is ok, I'll wait.

Thanks for your time & Regards,
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