How Should i Suggest My Website

May 31, 2008

I have website Name <url removed>. My target is to submit this website considering content tattoo, i add some other category here too. Some this is little portal but main target content is tattoo.

So, Question is how should arrange it??

PLease tell me some tips to write title, description, so that i would submit my website

<url removed>


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
The title should be the name of the site, organisation or business, not a description of the site.

The description should tell the users what they will find when they visit the site. It should be informative and neutral, and should be written in full sentences - no strings of keywords.

This is a very short summary of the guidelines for writing titles and descriptions. You find the full version of the guidelines here.

In most cases, the editors will rewrite the title and description, but if you make an effort to follow these guidelines, and make sure that you suggest your site to the one most relevant category, you'll help the editors and reduce their work, which causes the review times to be shorter.
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