How to accomplish updates - assume ignored!


Sep 28, 2006
I notice you list on your website that the description associated with listing is not used by search engine or reflect its placement. But I can assure you that the description is used by MSN for certain keywords for listing my website and therefore would like to change description. See note from Google that they too use these descriptions when their bot crawls your site. It is important for me to have description to match my content. How can I go about this as the update page seems to go unnoticed. See excerpt from Google below:

If you're concerned about content in your title or snippet, you may want to double-check that this content doesn't appear on your site. If it does, changing it may affect your Google snippet after we next crawl your site. If it doesn't, try searching for the title or snippet enclosed in quotation marks. This will display pages on the web that refer to your site using this text. If you contact these webmasters to request that they change their information about your site, any changes to their sites will be recognized by our crawler after we next crawl their pages.

Thank you for your help in this matter,


May 26, 2002
Research the NOODP data that you can add to the code on your site.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You've mentioned a concern (which, however, is not and should not be our concern), and suggested a way in which we can (but perhaps ought not to) address it. Giz offers a way in which your site, Google, and MSN can exchange the information you wish.

I can't tell offhand whether your suggestion has been rejected or overlooked, since you (thoughtfully following the forum TOS, thanks!) didn't mention the URL.

But I can say: there are kinds of errors that DO concern us: e.g., errors of fact, or idiosyncratic spelling or punctuation, or descriptions that don't conform to our understanding of the things the editors' guidelines deprecate: e.g., hype (vapid or subjective), promotionalism, keyword-stuffing, first- or second-person pronouns, etc.

If your concerns include issues like this, you are always invited to suggest corrections.

If your concerns are other than these (or contradict these), then I'd recommend not suggesting them. See, a thoroughly hyped and keyword-stuffed description is likely to be vaporized, not dissected for useful information. But the same useful suggestion, made without the hype and stuffing, might well be accepted quickly.

Finally, editors often give suggestions like this priority over most other activity in the same general neighborhood. But that is a common practice, not a draconian rule. So, as for every other kind of suggestion, we can't tell you when it might be reviewed. And therefore you can't safely assume it has been rejected after any particular time period.


Jun 4, 2007
How often does google crawl dmoz?

If we have made a change in our html on the website that would update the snippet on dmoz, how often does google crawl to pick up that change? Any insights greatly appreciated.


Jan 23, 2003
That is a great question....for Google.

Since we are not Google, we are not privvy to Googles schedule, plans or execution timelines. Anything we offer would be pure conjecture.
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