How to ask to remove an adult entry from dmoz ?


May 17, 2004

I was browsing the adult directory when I found a link that is just an automatic redirection to a commercial porn site that has absolutly nothing to do with the description. I read the help and everything, so I know how to submit a new link to an editor or update an existing one, but I don't know how to ask to remove a link that is an abuse.

So I thought about posting the warning on those boards, but adult topics should only be posted on a restricted board. I registered with my birthdate displayed here, but I wasn't given any access to the adult board at the same time.

So I don't know what to do. Can I post on this topic the link to the adult category where I found the redirection abuse ? Or is there any special way to notify of adult link abuses ? Maybe better guidelines should be displayed on dmoz.

Thank you very much


Nov 6, 2002
I've sent you your password for the adult forum. Check your private messages, link near the upper right corner of the screen.

You can report a bad link there. To make it easier for us to verify and to act if needed, please provide the title of the listing and a clickable link to its dmoz category.
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