How to be set as "Editor"

Feb 4, 2015
Hi there,
Perhaps, I have been missed?

I applied to become an editor and confirmed the link, sent to my email address, <email removed for your privacy>
on the 30th December 2014. Please see below

Can you please let me know the outcome?

Kind regards,
Daniel Skilling
to me

The Open Directory Project (DMOZ) has received an application to become an Editor from this Email Address.
If this is correct, please allow us to verify your Email Address by clicking on the below link.

If you have not applied to become an Editor, please ignore this message.

Thank you,

Administration for the Open Directory Project
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Feb 4, 2015
I'm hoping someone can help me.
I would like to become an editor of directories related to creation verses evolution, from a christian prospective.


I would like to add new web sites to the directory that provide valuable resources.

<url removed>

I have already submitted an application to become an editor and would appreciate if someone could review my application and get back to me.

With Thanks
Daniel Skilling
<email removed>
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Feb 4, 2015
Hopefully someone can help me.
I applied late last year to become an editor and was wondering if this application has been processed?

DMOZ directory

Society >Religion > Origins_and_Creation > Creation_vs_Evolution

I have already submitted an application to become an editor and would appreciate if someone could review my application and get back to me.

Daniel Skilling


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
It was rejected on december 30th.
You should have received an email.
It had some common mistakes and a specific remark.
I copied the reposne here under
Dear Daniel Skilling,

Thank you for your interest in becoming a DMOZ editor for

After careful review, we have decided not to approve your application at this
time. The most common reasons a reviewer will deny a new application include,
but are not limited to,

* Incomplete application. Insufficient information has been provided in some
fields including reason, affiliation and/or Sample URLs.

* Improper spelling and grammar.

* Sample URLs are inappropriate for the category which one has applied to
edit. They may be too broad, too narrow, completely out of scope, poor
quality, or in a language inappropriate for the category. All non-English
sites are listed in the World category. Applications for World categories that
include sites only in English will be denied. Likewise, applications for World
categories that include sample URLs in languages other than the one
appropriate for the applied category will be denied.

* Not properly disclosing affiliations with websites that are, or have the
potential of being, listed in the category.

* Titles and descriptions of sample URLs (and other information provided) were
subjective and promotional rather than unbiased and objective. ODP editors do
not rank or write website reviews. ODP editors provide objective and unbiased
descriptions of websites and their content.

* Self-Promotion. Application which leads us to believe that the candidate is
interested primarily in promoting his/her own sites or those with which the
applicant is affiliated. The ODP is not a marketing tool, and should not be
used to circumvent the site submission process. If this is an applicant's
motivation for joining, then we ask him/her not to apply. Editors found to be
inappropriately promoting their own site will be promptly removed.

Due to the large number of applications we get every day, we are unable to
provide personal responses to every application or to respond to inquiries
about why you were rejected. If a reviewer chose to provide additional
comments to you, they will be given in the "Reviewer Comments" section below.

Your willingness to volunteer is greatly appreciated and perhaps we will be
able to utilize your talent in the future.

Im afarid that the 3rd site seems more suitable as a general religion site as
the prime focal point is not the subject of creation vs evolution.
free to apply again but replace this site.​
Feb 4, 2015
Thank you for your help,
Its great to see positive feedback and the recommendation to reapply. I would like to create a valuable directory list of web sites in the Christianity perspective section under "Creation vs Evolution".

Daniel Skilling

It was rejected on december 30th.
You should have received an email.
It had some common mistakes and a specific remark.
I copied the reposne here under
Dear Daniel Skilling,

Thank you for your interest in becoming a DMOZ editor for


Your willingness to volunteer is greatly appreciated and perhaps we will be
able to utilize your talent in the future.

Im afarid that the 3rd site seems more suitable as a general religion site as
the prime focal point is not the subject of creation vs evolution.
free to apply again but replace this site.​
Feb 4, 2015
It was rejected on december 30th.

Your willingness to volunteer is greatly appreciated and perhaps we will be
able to utilize your talent in the future.

Im afarid that the 3rd site seems more suitable as a general religion site as
the prime focal point is not the subject of creation vs evolution.
free to apply again but replace this site.​


This question isn't regarding being a volunteer as my personal life has become extremely busy.
My question is regarding adding myself. Please understand that I am not self promoting my site but after about 18 mouths of listing my site and waiting and checking or months on end I never see my site listed. I know people like it and I have read the rules and followed them - so - in frustration I kindly ask you to help me get my site listed as I have spent hours and hours trying to list it and waited for well over a year for someone to get a round to listing it.
I wont paste the url in as I know this isn't allowed paste any urls except dmoz directories.

My site is [URL removed]. Could you please help me and get me listed under the Catholic directory?'s_Witnesses/Research,_Historical_and_Current/
I have hundreds of articles on jws and removed any images with copy write.
I have permission for everything I have added and have many positive testimonies and over one thousand followers on google plus.

Please help me as it means a lot if I could be added to the dmoz directory.
I look forward to being able to have time in the future to volunteer in for the directory creation verse evolution.
I understand the importance of high profile directories and the benefit they can provide.

I really appreciate any help you can give me. thanks :)

Daniel Skilling
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Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.
Feb 4, 2015
Thank you.
It's been well over 18 months so I would appreciate knowing if it has been rejected or if it's still in the queue.
Can you please let me know if it's been rejected? I would really appreciate your help and happy to donate to dmoz to speed things up, if this is possible.

If my site is rejected I could be waiting another year of my life for no good reason. I really want to get on dmoz.

Please help me

Thanks again. Daniel Skilling


Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
When you suggested the website you were provided a screen that told you the suggestion was received (or a screen that told you about an error)
so you know the website is waiting review
this suggestion will never be removed from our system except for 2 possibilities
the 1st one is when the website is listed , this is something you can see for yourself
the 2nd one is when the suggestion is rejected , you can already know if a suggestion will be rejected by reading the DMOZ guidelines, something you were asked to do before making the suggestion
Let's assume you did read those guidelines and did not suggest a website that we will not list at all
now there are 2 options
1. the website is listed
2. the website is waiting review
and you will be able to determine which option applies for your website
no need to contact an editor and by all means, carry on with your daily activities and forget about DMOZ. There is no great advantage to being listed. Your site will be either successful or it will not, but that does not rest on a listing in the directory.
Feb 4, 2015
Thank you!

I appreciate your time and advice.

When things become quieter in my personal life I would like to volunteer to help reduce the work load.

My final two questions (if I may, please)

Question 1
If I do a lot of major changes to my web site - should I resubmit it to the directory or just keep waiting? The reason I ask is because I've done a face lift to my web site and added heaps more content and registered my domain for 8 + years.

Question 2
I've also noticed some web sites have a dozen or so listings in different DMOZ directories covering various topics. my understanding is that I should only submit to a single directory which is the most relevant.

Thanks again for your help, I honestly appreciate it.
I know that DMOZ doesn't have the SEO benefits that it did have, saying this, its extremely important to me to know that I can be listed on it, as I believe it shows that I'm following the correct internet guidelines and I have what it takes to be listed on the best web directory.

If you ever had a spare moment I would greatly appreciate you giving me feedback, even if its not positive.

Its my passion to help others and my web site is 100% "not for profit" and I don't seek donations. All I want to do, is to "help others".

Yours Sincerely
Daniel Skilling


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Answer 1: There is no need to suggest the website again if the subject of the website still the same. Only if the subject changed dramitacly a new suggestion could be helpfull. More content about the same subject, changed design, changed hosting provider are all no reason for a new suggestion.

Answer 2: Yes you should only suggest a wesbite once. But there are reasons multiple suggestions are allowed. Most important reason is if the website has content in several languages (real content, not Google translations), than you may suggest the website to all languages that are available on the website. Another reason is if the website is both relevant for a topic and a locality, than you may suggest it to both the topic and the locality.
Editors may always decide to list a website more than once. Which does not mean you may suggest it to several topical categories.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.