how to change a dutch url into an english one?


Jul 15, 2004
dear editor,

because when I submitted my site when this had only one url in Dutch, the later added English page with it's own url is not directly attainable in English category of ODP now.
the same problem I created in the German and French catagory, but there I have not been listed or reviewed yet.

is there a possibility to change my Dutch url into that of the respective languages, without endangering my (possible) listing?
and what is in that case the most proper way?

I would be very gratefull to you, if you would be so kind to answer this question, or can tell me where to find the concerning information.

best regards,

Bo Bakker


Jan 23, 2003
OK let's assume you have and it is a Dutch language site.

You should have initially submitted it to the appropriate Dutch language category within our World/ part of the directory.

So now you have added a section in German, perhaps In that case, would would submit to the approprate German language categopry within World. Note: you should submit the root URL, not the subdirectory. How the user gets to the German language content from the main page is up to you.

hen you launch an English language section, perhaps Now you submit to the single best topical category, and if you have a physical presence, you submit to the single best Regional category based upon your physical location (not upon where you market).

Always the root URL.
Once each in World/ for each full-blown translation.
Ocnce, by topic and once by region.

Hope that helps.
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