How to change dmoz submission?


Oct 22, 2006
I submitted my editorial cartoon site to Dmoz months and months ago in the appropriate cartoon category, and it hasn't been listed yet. But since I made my submission I have added a blog to the main page, and now it would be better suited in a blog category. Can anyone suggest how I can change my submission? I don't want to submit twice because they say that is a no no, or is it? My site is: <url removed>
Regards Tezza


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
A second submittal won't ban the site. But before you do, think about what category would be best.

The site isn't about blogs, nor yet about cartoons. It's about "what you do" -- presumably you have personal opinions about something, and you express it in one ... or two ... or maybe, in the future, more ways.

I'd suggest looking more specifically for a "Personal Pages" category in the appropriate general topic (whether it's arts, or politics, or religion, or whatever -- find the most specific general topic that covers the type of opinions you're proposing to have, and suggest to the personal pages category there.)

If your opinions run the gamut (at least from a to c, as they say--that is, no particular discernable focus), then the Society personal pages category would likely be the best place.
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