How to change the category and descrptions


We have our web site listed in the following category

Top: Regional: Asia: India: Rajasthan: Localities: Jodhpur: Business and Economy

Since thee company is travel agents and tour operators, we requested to change the category to the following:

Top: Regional: Asia: India: Business and Economy: Travel Services: Travel Agents

And also requested to chnage the descrption to the following:
Indian travel agents offering package tours to Rajasthan, budget camel safari, travel information, fair festivals and reservation in heritage hotels of rajasthan.

But neither of the above corrections are done, We would appreciate if you could guide us.



Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
The rules of Regional/ mean that you are listed where the business is located, so the category that you are located in is the most appropriate.

As for the new description - we would call this keyword stuffing. You are trying to squeeze too many search terms into the description. As it is, the existing description is fine.


Agreed, but i think it can be changed to the following regional category:
Top: Regional: Asia: India: Rajasthan: Localities: Jodhpur: Travel and Tourism

As this is a travel company.

Moreover, i would also request you to visit the following link, its the web site of the same company listed in the following category and would also request you to see the description
Top: Regional: Asia: India: Business and Economy: Travel Services: Tour Operators

Actually we requested for the change in descrption because it features only about the safaris and reservations, but the company is offering travel information on Rajasthan, fair and festivals, and package tours.

Nevertheless, we appreciate your decesion, as you understand the directory better. And we do know that you guys are doing really fantastic job.

We thank you for all your time.
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