how to contact the category editor and other questions


May 25, 2006
few questions:

- how to i contact the category editor if possible
- what happens to my submission if this category editor say died or something, does someone else end up looking over the submissions or does my submission end up staying idol until someone picks up that this person isnt around any longer
-when a person becomes an editor they have total control over who gets listed in certain directories, if this is true then i could become an editor and list my company myself
-i submitted our website at least a year ago to what i thought was the category that best suits our company, and now just recently i submitted again about a month ago and still nothing, what do i have to do to get listed, i have not spammed them with my submissions just submitted twice in the past year, our website fits the category that i submit to in Top: Science: Environment: Products and Services our company is an environmental products and services company and nothing happens what do i have to do to get our site listed????????????


Jan 23, 2003
contact the category editor

There is absolutely no reason for you to do so. Ever!

editor say died or something

The death, tragic or otherwise, of an editor has absolutely no impact on your site.

becomes an editor they have total control over who gets listed in certain directories

Completely and totally false.

what do i have to do to get listed

Nothing else. There is absolutely nothing else you can do. You cannot influence the process (in a favorable manner) and you can do nothing to speed up the time it will take to get reviewed. It could be tomorrow, it could be in four years.

i could become an editor and list my company myself

Good way to get your website permanently banned. I won't go into what it says about your ethics.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
contact the category editor
There is absolutely no reason for you to do so. Ever!
Just to clarify -- you can always use the feedback link on an editor's ODP profile to send them an e-mail but very few editors will respond personally to such feedback.


May 25, 2006
motza thanks thats the simple answer i was looking for, but how do i find the editor of a certain category and find this feedback link


Jan 23, 2003
Why are you so all-fired insistent upon contacting the editor directory. What do you hope to accomplish?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
If the category has a named editor, the feedback link is at the bottom of the category page.

If the category doesn't have a named editor, check the parent and granparent categories until you find one.

However, a very large part of the work here is done by the several hundred editors who can edit wherever they please. We, and certainly you, have no idea which one one of us will eventually process your website.

Like spectregunner, I'm not sure what you think contacting a specific editor will achieve. It's unlikely to result in priority processing and we evaluate websites by their content and don't need further explanation.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
jimnoble said:
It's unlikely to result in priority processing and we evaluate websites by their content and don't need further explanation.
Not to mention unlikely to garner any response at all, depending on the nature of the feedback. Most editors will not respond to feedback regarding a particular site nor regarding a category in particular. Not that they are cold and unresponsive, just that there is rarely anything productive that can come from answering those types of questions. Any information that is likely to be shareable in response to a question can most likely be better answered here. :D

You are free of course to try. Not knowing the nature of the issue you wish to discuss, it is possible that the editor in question would be willing to offer a response. Just don't be disappointed or offended if none comes.

Just my two pennies.


Nov 23, 2004
what happens to my submission if this category editor say died or something, does someone else end up looking over the submissions or does my submission end up staying idol

As most of the guys above said, DMOZ has a sctructured editor hierarchy.

Just like categories. The editor of the /computers/ category, can edit /computers/ and any subcategory of that.

So if your category doesn't have an editor, or you have any suspicion that he might not be active anymore (anyway, after 4 months of incativity he gets suspended), a higher level editor will always check submissions.

Usually, higher level editors also inspect lower level editors, look for their modifications, their activity, etc. So it's pretty sure that if that particular editor is not active, another one will do it's job in place.

when a person becomes an editor they have total control over who gets listed in certain directories, if this is true then i could become an editor and list my company myself

1. You have to be an editor to do that. The way you write your initial application form sais a lot about yourself.
2. Indeed, they have total control on the listings in category itself (only catmods can create/move/delete categories), but he/she can always loose it's editorial rights for beeing impartial or subjective.

our website fits the category that i submit to in Top: Science: Environment: Products and Services

I am 99% sure that the category you have chosen is not the appropiate one.

Go deeper and choose a more specific one.

Just because you think it fits there, doesn't mean that the best place for it is there. And for DMOZ (i do not represent DMOZ, i am not an editor, so this is my personal advice), the best place for your site, it's not there.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Expertu said:
2. Indeed, they have total control on the listings in category itself (only catmods can create/move/delete categories), but he/she can always loose it's editorial rights for beeing impartial or subjective.

Just to clarify this just a bit, no one editor has "total" control over any category as any of higher permissioned editors (be it higher category tree editors, branch cateditall or catmod's, editalls, or Meta editors) can and will make necessary changes, adds, and deletes.

As far as Create/move/delete categories are concerned, any editor can create and delete sub-cats for their named categories but there are some guidelines to mandate how and where to create/delete some of them. Catmv editors are responsible for renames and moving of categories. catmv permissions can be granted to cateditalls and editalls as well as Catmod's and Meta's having those abilities.
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