How to create ethical "doorway" pages


Aug 19, 2004
How to create ethical "doorway" pages?

Could someone please explain how to create ethical "doorway" pages?

I would like to SEO my employers dynamically generated site, which is a huge database of UK clubs. As I understand doorway pages are:

  • Pages specially optimised for one search engine and 1-3 keywords
  • Stand on their own, separate from the rest of a site (feature a logo, some text and a link that encourages visitors to enter the site)
  • Present unique and useful information, therefore search engines won't ban them.

And one can not create more doorway pages than there are "real" pages on the site

However, I am concerned when creating doorway pages as to unknowingly committing unethical SEO practice and being rejected by search directories.

Can the doorway pages have the same branding and navigation bar as the main site though present unique information?
Can the doorway pages sit as stand alone pages within the site or should they have different URL’s?

I just don’t want to get my wrists slapped! In advance thank you ever so much for replying.
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