How to Delete Listing


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Jun 9, 2010
[Right here]

We don't generally remove listings unless they no longer function or the content has changed to a point where it no longer meets the guidelines for inclusion.

Is there a specific reason why you want your website removed?


Sep 21, 2007
I have tried to have the title changed to the correct legal name of the company, as registered with the state of Florida with no luck. I prefer to just have the site delisted. Charlie


Oct 29, 2006
We won't remove a functional site at your request (after all it might not be the site owner asking for that to happen).

As to the second issue, suggest an update with the new Title and do not try to stuff the description with keywords at the same time (this is one of the biggest mistakes made by those trying to effect updates).

Having said that:
I have tried to have the title changed to the correct legal name of the company, as registered with the state of Florida
Make sure that the legal name is the one used on the site. If the reviewer looks at the site and it plainly uses the existing title, it is unlikely to be changed. Reviews are of the site, not of what is registered with a government body, when that information is not on the site.


Sep 21, 2007
Delete a listing

Answers to gimmster
1. I'm the admin for this site as registered with network solutions. So there should be no problem proving I'm authorized to make a deletion request.
2. I already suggested an updated title several times to no avail.
3. The legal name is used on the header.



Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
1. I'm the admin for this site as registered with network solutions. So there should be no problem proving I'm authorized to make a deletion request.
Please see photofox' reply. Nobody is authorized to make a request for inclusion or removal of a site in the directory. Sites are not removed unless they are no longer listable under our guidelines for inclusion. Presumably your site is still a valuable resource.

Although update requests are usually given priority by the editors, it doesn't follow that they are dealt with immediately, or even within the same week or month they were made. It is possible that your update requests have not yet been reviewed.


Nov 7, 2006
Also, our focus isn't on the website owner and what he wants, our focus is on the web surfer only. We list sites that have unique content and will add value to a category for the benefit of the web surfer looking for specific information about a topic.

The site owners desires have nothing to do with our own goals, we're not a listing service for site owners. We include or exclude sites for our own reasons, not by request.

We accept site suggestions from the public for our consideration, and we find many new sites on our own, but we never ask permission to catalog and list any site that we think would be beneficial to the web surfer, so asking that your site be de-listed because you're not satisfied is a non starter.


Feb 19, 2009
crowbar said:
Also, our focus isn't on the website owner and what he wants, our focus is on the web surfer only. We list sites that have unique content and will add value to a category for the benefit of the web surfer looking for specific information about a topic.

I would like to have my website removed from the DMOZ.

I've had my website added to the DMOZ many years ago. At that time the website was solely meant for serving information about mental health issues, together with stories, links, news and such. I could say that it was a useful resource for one, who was looking for such information.

However, nowadays the website has quite a little to do with the subjects it handled eaerlier. It is still my personal website, but for a surfer looking for topics mentioned in the DMOZ-listing, it provides almost nothing. There might be occasional blog post or two, but generally the website is about everything else than what is mentioned in DMOZ-listing.

So, what is the process to get the website removed from DMOZ? It's in category World/Suomi/Terveys and the website is written almost purely in finnish.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You can go to that category and submit an update request to have the site moved to a more appropriate category with a more appropriate description. But as long as the site is listable per our guidelines, we won't delete it on demand.


Feb 19, 2009
That is something that I tried sometime near year 2005, twice. At that time I only wanted to change the description to be something more suitable, but I saw nothing that would indicate that a change had been made or if my request had actually been read.

Let's assume that I make another request and see no changes even after few weeks. What should I try next? If no changes wouldn't be made, again, it would give a reason to doubt the whole purpose of the DMOZ, which I actually wouldn't want to do.


Apr 5, 2004
I only wanted to change the description to be something more suitable
A mistake a lot of people make when requesting a change to the listing is to ask for something which does not meet the guidelines editors are expected to follow.
If that is the case, the request will be denied, and this is likely to happen even if there are several parts to the request, because a volunteer will see all the non-guidelines content and decide not to spend any more time on it.

Let's assume that I make another request and see no changes even after few weeks. What should I try next?
Like all editing activities, Update Requests are handled by volunteers, so there is no time frame involved, but they are generally handled more promptly than site suggestions, because all editors like to help with quality control, and we appreciate advice of a change of URL, or an inappropriate choice of category, or a spelling mistake, or incorrect company name, for example. But requests for hype or keywords or other changes not in line with the guidelines are of course declined.
The Update Request feature is the only means of requesting changes, so once you have done that, you have done all you need to do to alert editors to any changes regarding the site. :)
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.