How to drop a submission?


Feb 5, 2006
After made a suggestion on one of my site, I was told my host firm no longer will conduct site-hosting business, so I made another suggestion on another site which is hosted by another firm. Now, I was told the first firm is only changing new owner rather than its business direction.

Can anyone tell me how to drop my second submission to avoid mirror site problem?

PS The only reason I keep two sites is, if one site is down, for no matter whatever reasons, I can immediately tell people to visit other site. Years ago, our very first host firm closed door without any warnings; and kept our site from being seen for two months and drove us nuts, therefore, I decided to have two sites at two different host firms. I only promote one site and use second one as back up site in case of emergency situations happen.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You can PM me the URLs involved. Make sure both sites indicate the same one is the primary site -- so if I look at both sites I can tell which one to keep. I'll delete the other site submittal without prejudice.
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