How to find out what has happened to my submited site


Jun 22, 2009
I have submitted my site [url removed] to this catagory-- which I believe I fit into nicely, but nothing has happened. I'm wondering if I should re-submit, or if my submission did not go through or whatever. There seemed to be nothing happening in this category so I applied to be an Editor to help out. I got rejected immediately, so someone is there doing something. My site is as good and fits the category as well as any of the sites in this category, so I'm wondering what is going on. Is anyone there that can help, it all seems so mysterious and aloof, can I talk to a human being?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
paintdoc said:
Which ofcourse is just a copy of the DMOZ category,

> which I believe I fit into nicely,
Thanks. We always like to see sites being suggested to the right category.
> but nothing has happened.
A lot has happened. Maybe not in relation to your site and it being listed in DMOZ but a lot of sites have been reviewed and listed.

> I'm wondering if I should re-submit,
There is never a reason to suggest a site again.
> or if my submission did not go through or whatever
Did you get the confirmation screen? Yes, than it did get through.

> so I applied to be an Editor to help out. I got rejected immediately,
You will have recieved an email with possible reasons why you were not accepted. Read them carefully check the guidelines and learn.

> My site is as good and fits the category as well as any of the sites in this
> category, so I'm wondering what is going on.
Most probably no editor has looked at the site you suggested.

> Is anyone there that can help,
Sorry. No. We can not give prefered treathment just because someone asks for it.

> it all seems so mysterious and aloof,
Please read our FAQ (link at the top of this page) and many threads with similar questions and it will look a lot less mysterious.

> can I talk to a human being?
I am human. ;)


Jun 22, 2009
Hi; thanks pvgool, for replying. Nice to know there really are humans here. To clarify a point the "nothing happened" referred to the category I mentioned, in which no new sites have been listed for some time now. There are and have been only 55 sites listed for as long as I've been looking, which is some time now, at least a few months. Hopefully some day someone will look at new submissions in this category:)
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.